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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

to gasp, to pantschnaufen
to catch a breath, to breathesich verschnaufen
the breather, the break, the restdie Verschnaufpause
the obstacledas Hindernis, die Hürde
the address (either house address or IP Address)die Adresse, die Anschrift
the concession (to make a deal work)das Zugeständnis
the sloppinessdie Schlamperei
the chain letterder Kettenbrief
to refurbish, to fix upaufarbeiten
to edit, to work on, to process, to reviseverarbeiten, bearbeiten (Bewerbungen, Aufträge), abarbeiten (Fälle)
the epitome, the paragonder Inbegriff, das Paradebeispiel, der Musterknabe
the base (of a statue), the base (basis), the pedestalder Sockel
the digit (like 3 or 4)die Ziffer
to decipher, to decode, to decryptentschlüsseln, entziffern
to hang (a person)erhängen
to hang (ex. a picture, not a person)hängen
the pointer (finger), the index fingerder Zeigefinger
the pinky (finger)der kleine Finger
to confuseverwechseln, verwirren, beirren
casuallässig, leger, zwanglos
to snap (a picture), to clip (a travel ticket)knipsen (ugs)
posed photosgestellte Fotos
the aging process, the growing olddas Älterwerden
to drill (someone with questions), to probe (interrogate), to ream (enlarge a hole), to re-drillnachbohren
to resign, to quitkündigen, austreten, zurücktreten
the step, the tier, the leveldie Stufe
to tier, to stagger, to form levelsabstufen
to refutewiderlegen
the mediator, the facilitator, the arbiter, the intermediaryder Vermittler
to be on courseauf Kurs sein
As if!Von wegen!
responsive, amenable, approachableansprechbar
the newsdesk (at a broadcaster), the departmentdas Ressort
the distractiondie Ablenkung
to supply, to make available for usebeliefern, bereitstellen
to intensifyverstärken, potenzieren, intensivieren
chipper (attitude), perky (attitude)putzmunter (ugs)
cheerfulfröhlich, heiter, gutgelaunt, munter
tough (meat or a person's constitution, ex. tough negotiations...hint: difficult to chew)zäh
tender (meat, muscle)zart
bittersweetbittersüß, zartbitter
the formuladie Formel
to blow up, to burst, to bust, to blastsprengen
the disbursementdie Auszahlung
to foreseevorhersehen, absehen, voraussehen
to vow, to swear, to pledgeschwören
the dignitydie Würde
the course (of events), the process, the progressionder Verlauf
the stripeder Streifen
out of the way, secluded, separated, apartabseits
since thenseit mittlerweile
to pick up (where sb else left off), to continue (where sb else left off)aufgreifen
to hold (a contest), to carry (a child in pregnancy), to deliver (on a regular basis like a postman), to deal with (a problem or fight)austragen
to force, to compelerzwingen