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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

True or False: Carbohydrates represent a broad group of substances which include sugars, starches, gums, and celluloseTrue
Fill in the blank: Common attribute of carbohydrates are they contain hydrogen, carbon, and ____?Oxygen
What is the most important carbohydrate?Glucose
Aldehydes or ketones are derivatives of _____.Polyhydric alcohols
Aside from polyhydroxyl ketone, what is the other chemical carbohydrate?Aldehydes
Example of function of carbohydrates under "storage form of metabolic fuel"Photosynthesis
Example of function of carbohydrates under "structural function" that is most abundant in nature, no nutritive value, and forms the cell wall of plantsCellulose
Found in cell wall of bacteriaPeptidoglycan
Exoskeleton of crustaceanChitin
A transport functionGlycoproteins
Regulatory Function definition fill in the blank: Follicle stimulating ___ regulates the development, growth, pubertal maturation and reproductive processHormones
Ribonuclease-?Catalytic function
Interferon-?Anti-viral function
Contains hyaluronic acid and mucin for protective/lubricating functionSynovial fluid
Most abundant acid mucopolysaccharide found in connective tissue, vitreous humor of eye, synovial fluidHyaluronic acid
Example of "other biological function" base on the reviewerBlood typing
What monosaccharides does blood type O have?D-galactose, L-fucose, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine
What is the additional monosaccharide of type A that type O and type B do not have?N-acetyl-D-galactosamine
What is the additional monosaccharide of type B that type O and type A do not have?D-galactose
Blood type with no antibodies to A,B, or OAB blood
Blood type that other blood type have no antibodies to itO blood
Anti-clotting agent present in the bodyHeparin