Schlägerei | nouns that end in "ei" are feminine...brawl, fight, rumble |
Toleranz | when suffix "anz" means "ance" in English it is feminine...tolerance |
Bilanz | when suffix "anz" means "ance" in English it is feminine...balance |
Schwanz | one-syllable nouns that end in "anz" are masculine...tail |
Tanz | one-syllable nouns that end in "anz" are |
Extremismus | nouns that end in "ismus" are masculine...extremism |
Kapitalismus | nouns that end in "ismus" are masculine...capitalism |
Alkoholismus | nouns that end in "ismus" are masculine...alcoholism |
Essig | nouns ending in "ig", "eig", "ich", and "eich" are masculine...vinegar |
König | nouns ending in "ig", "eig", "ich", and "eich" are masculine...king |
Honig | nouns ending in "ig", "eig", "ich", and "eich" are masculine...honey |
Teig | nouns ending in "ig", "eig", "ich", and "eich" are masculine...dough |
Steig | nouns ending in "ig", "eig", "ich", and "eich" are masculine...railway platform |
Teppich | nouns ending in "ig", "eig", "ich", and "eich" are masculine...carpet |
Pfirsich | nouns ending in "ig", "eig", "ich", and "eich" are masculine...peach |
Bereich | nouns ending in "ig", "eig", "ich", and "eich" are masculine...area, realm |
Teich | nouns ending in "ig", "eig", "ich", and "eich" are masculine...pond |
Konferenz | nouns ending in "enz" are feminine...conference |
Existenz | nouns ending in "enz" are feminine...existence |
Präsenz | nouns ending in "enz" are feminine...presence |
Funktion | nouns ending in "tion" are feminine...function |
Version | nouns ending in "sion" are feminine...version |
Dimension | nouns ending in "sion" are feminine...dimension |
Basis | nouns ending in "sis" are, basis |
Dosis | nouns ending in "sis" are feminine...dose, dosage |
Fazit | nouns ending in "it" are neuter...conclusion |
Dynamit | nouns ending in "it" are neuter...dynamite |
Zenit | nouns ending in "it" are neuter...zenith |
Januar | days, months, and seasons are masculine...January |
Montag | days, months, and seasons are masculine...Monday |
Herbst | days, months, and seasons are masculine...Autumn |
Norden | the 4 directions are masculine...north |
Süden | the 4 directions are masculine...south |
Osten | the 4 directions are masculine...east |
Westen | the 4 directions are masculine...west |
Hotel | hotels, restaurants, and cinemas are neuter...hotel |
Restaurant | hotels, restaurants, and cinemas are |
Kino | hotels, restaurants, and cinemas are neuter...cinema |
Ritz Hotel | hotels, restaurants, and cinemas are neuter...Ritz hotel |
McDonald's | hotels, restaurants, and cinemas are neuter...McDonald's |
Englisch | languages, colors, and letter of the alphabet are neuter...english |
Blau | languages, colors, and letter of the alphabet are |
B | languages, colors, and letter of the alphabet are neuter...B |
Gericht | 90% of nouns starting with "Ge" are, court |
Gesicht | 90% of nouns starting with "Ge" are neuter...face |
Gewicht | 90% of nouns starting with "Ge" are neuter...weight |
Gedicht | 90% of nouns starting with "Ge" are neuter...poem |
Getränk | 90% of nouns starting with "Ge" are neuter...drink, beverage |
Gespräch | 90% of nouns starting with "Ge" are neuter...conversation |
Geschenk | 90% of nouns starting with "Ge" are |
Geräusch | 90% of nouns starting with "Ge" are neuter...noise |
Gelände | 90% of nouns starting with "Ge" are neuter...premises, grounds |
Gehirn | 90% of nouns starting with "Ge" are neuter...brain |
Gefühl | 90% of nouns starting with "Ge" are neuter...feeling |
Autobahn | compound nouns always take the gender from the last word...highway, freeway. Hint: Because Bahn is feminine, this word is also feminine. |
Mund | nouns that end in "und" are usually masculine...mouth |
Bund | nouns that end in "und" are usually masculine...association |
Hund | nouns that end in "und" are usually |
Grund | nouns that end in "und" are usually masculine...reason, basis |
Freund | nouns that end in "und" are usually masculine...friend |
Garten | nouns that end in "en" which are not also verbs are usually |
Hafen | nouns that end in "en" which are not also verbs are usually masculine...harbor |
Ofen | nouns that end in "en" which are not also verbs are usually masculine...oven |
Raum | nouns that end in "aum" are |
Schaum | nouns that end in "aum" are masculine...foam |
Pferd | livestock other than a female cow is usually |
Schwein | livestock other than a female cow is usually neuter...pig |
Schaf | livestock other than a female cow is usually neuter...sheep |
Huhn | livestock other than a female cow is usually neuter...chicken |
Stereo | nouns that end in "o" are usually neuter...stereo |
Kühlschrank | nouns/suffixes formed by dropping the "en" from verbs and sometimes changing the root too are usually masculine...schränken->schrank->...refrigerator |
Herd | nouns that end in "rt" are usually masculine. This word used to end with "rt"...stove |
Toaster | nouns ending in "er" that do something are usually masculine...toaster |
Mischer | nouns ending in "er" that do something are usually masculine...mixer |
Mixer | nouns ending in "er" that do something are usually masculine...blender |
Dosenöffner | nouns ending in "er" that do something are usually masculine...can opener |
Radio | nouns that end in "o" are usually |
Spülmaschine | nouns that end in "e" are feminine...dishwasher |
Mikrowelle | nouns that end in "e" are feminine...microwave |
Kaffeemaschine | nouns that end in "e" are machine |
Waschmaschine | nouns that end in "e" are feminine...washing machine |
Wäschetrockner | nouns ending in "er" that do something are usually masculine...dryer |
Staubsauger | nouns ending in "er" that do something are usually masculine...vacuum |
Rasenmäer | nouns ending in "er" that do something are usually masculine...lawnmower |
Bügeleisen | nouns who suffix is based on metal are neuter...iron to smooth out clothes |
Land | high-level categories are |
Messer | nouns based on metal are neuter...knife |
Konzert(o) | nouns that end in "o" are usually neuter...concert. Note: the "o" fell off the German word. It was based on Italian Concerto. |
Bart | body nouns strongly associated with men are masculine. Also, nouns that end in "rt" are usually masculine...beard |
Sport | nouns that end in "rt" are usually masculine...sports |
Wirt | nouns that end in "rt" are usually at a hotel |
Joghurt | nouns that end in "rt" are usually masculine...yoghurt |
Wimper | body nouns associated strongly with women are feminine...eyelash |
Brust | body nouns associated strongly with women are feminine...breast |
Hüfte | body nouns associated strongly with women are feminine. Also, ends with "e"...hip |