Beziehung | nouns that end in "ung" are feminine...relationship |
Freiheit | nouns that end in "heit" are feminine...freedom |
Leidenschaft | nouns that end in "schaft" are feminine...passion |
Festland | compound nouns use ending to determine gender. "Land" is neuter so...mainland |
Lehrer | occupations that end in "er" are masculine...male teacher |
Lehrerin | occupations that end in "in" are feminine...female teacher |
Eingang | nouns/suffixes formed by dropping the "en" from verbs and sometimes changing the root too are usually masculine...gehen->gang->entrance |
Punkt | nouns/suffixes formed by dropping the "en" from verbs and sometimes changing the root too are usually masculine...punkten->punkt->point |
Vorort | nouns that end in "rt" are usually masculine...suburb |
Totschlag | nouns/suffixes formed by dropping the "en" from verbs and sometimes changing the root too are usually masculine...schlagen->schlag->homicide |
Aufstand | nouns/suffixes formed by dropping the "en" from verbs and sometimes changing the root too are usually masculine...stehen->stand->uprising |
Raumstation | nouns that end in "tion" are station |
Aufzug | nouns/suffixes formed by dropping the "en" from verbs and sometimes changing the root too are usually masculine...ziehen->zug->elevator |
Fingerabdruck | nouns/suffixes formed by dropping the "en" from verbs and sometimes changing the root too are usually masculine...drucken->druck->fingerprint |
Unfall | nouns/suffixes formed by dropping the "en" from verbs and sometimes changing the root too are usually masculine...fallen->fall->accident |
Universität | nouns that end in "tät" are |
Mädchen | nouns that end in "chen" are neuter...girl, yes girl! |
Essen | nouns that are also verbs are |
Vertrauen | nouns that are also verbs are |
Medikament | nouns that end in "ment" are neuter...medication |
Kultur | nouns that end in "ur" are usually feminine...culture |
Figur | nouns that end in "ur" are usually feminine...figure |
Eisen | metals are neuter...iron |
Geld | metals are, because it used to be metal |
Tee | plant-based beverages are masculine...tea |
Kaffee | plant-based beverages are |
Wein | plant-based beverages are |
Rum | plant-based beverages are masculine...rum |
Milch | Milk and water are not plant-based...milk is from females |
Wasser | Milk and water are not plant-based...water is neuter |
Saft | plant-based beverages are masculine...juice |
Stein | rocks, stones, and sand are masculine...stone |
Sand | rocks, stones, and sand are masculine...sand |
Fels | rocks, stones, and sand are masculine...rock |
Pfund | measurements of length, weight, and volume are usually neuter...pound |
Kilometer | measurements of length, weight, and volume are usually neuter...kilometer |
Pint | measurements of length, weight, and volume are usually neuter...pint |
Ding | high-level categories are neuter...thing |
Zeug | high-level categories are neuter...stuff |
Gut | high-level categories are, goods |
Obst | high-level categories are neuter...fruit. There are many kinds of fruit. |
Organ | high-level categories are neuter...organ. There are many organs: heart, lungs, liver, etc |
Glied | high-level categories are neuter...member, limb. There are members to lots of things. Limbs include lower-level categories of arms and legs. |
Möbel | high-level categories are |
Mittel | high-level categories are neuter...means, remedy |
Frucht | one-syllable nouns that end in "cht" are usually feminine...fruit |
Wucht | one-syllable nouns that end in "cht" are usually feminine...force, momentum |
Mandel | except for apple and peach which are masculine, fruits and nuts in German are feminine...almond |
Kokosnuss | except for apple and peach which are masculine, fruits and nuts in German are feminine...coconut |
Dattel | except for apple and peach which are masculine, fruits and nuts in German are from a tree |
Grapefruit | except for apple and peach which are masculine, fruits and nuts in German are feminine...grapefruit |
Kiwi | except for apple and peach which are masculine, fruits and nuts in German are |
Ananas | except for apple and peach which are masculine, fruits and nuts in German are feminine...pineapple |
Baum | the part of a tree that you see in Winter is masculine...tree |
Stamm | the part of a tree that you see in Winter is masculine...trunk, tree trunk, stem |
Ast | the part of a tree that you see in Winter is masculine...limb, branch |
Zweig | the part of a tree that you see in Winter is masculine...branch, twig |
Blatt | You can't see the leaves in winter...neuter...leaf |
Wurzel | You can't see the roots in Winter so 'root' is feminine...root |
Hut | Winter clothes are masculine...hat |
Mantel | Winter clothes are masculine...coat |
Stiefel | Winter clothes are masculine...boot |
Bluse | nouns that end in "e" are usually feminine...blouse |
Hemd | Small kids/babies and what they wear is neuter...shirt |
Kleid | Small kids/babies and what they wear is neuter...dress because even small boys wore dresses because it was easier to change their diaper |
Kind | Small kids/babies and what they wear is neuter...child |
Baby | Small kids/babies and what they wear is |
Strumpf | Winter clothes are masculine. Also, nouns that end in "pf" are usually masculine...stocking |
Bitternis | Nouns that end in "nis" that are subjective/in the mind tend to be feminine...bitterness |
Besorgnis | Nouns that end in "nis" that are subjective/in the mind tend to be feminine...worry, concern |
Erlaubnis | Nouns that end in "nis" that are subjective/in the mind tend to be feminine...permission |
Kenntnis | Nouns that end in "nis" that are subjective/in the mind tend to be feminine...knowledge |
Ergebnis | Nouns that end in "nis" that are objective tend to be neuter...result |
Zeugnis | Nouns that end in "nis" that are objective tend to be neuter...certificate, evidence |
Eigentum | Nouns that end in "um" are |
Wachstum | Nouns that end in "um" are neuter...growth |
Album | Nouns that end in "um" are neuter...album |
Parfum | Nouns that end in "um" are neuter...perfume |
Meeting | "ing" nouns borrowed from English are neuter...meeting |
Training | "ing" nouns borrowed from English are |
Profil | nouns that end in "il" are neuter...profile |
Textil | nouns that end in "il" are neuter...textile |
Benzin | chemicals that end in "in" are neuter...petrol, gas |
Protein | chemicals that end in "in" are neuter...protein |
Papier | things that end in "ier" are usually neuter...paper |
Tier | high-level categories are neuter...animal |
Bier | things that end in "ier" are usually |
Büro | things that end in "o" are usually |
Klo | things that end in "o" are usually neuter...bathroom, toilet, loo |
Türkei | nouns that end in "ei" are feminine...Turkey, the country |
Bäckerei | nouns that end in "ei" are feminine...bakery |
Vermögen | nouns that are also verbs (or based on unchanged verbs) are neuter...mögen-->asset |