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level: 1 Components of a Computer

Questions and Answers List

level questions: 1 Components of a Computer

- Directs the flow of data between the CPU and other devices - Fetch, Decode, ExecuteWhat two tasks are the Control Unit responsible for?
- Address Bus - Data Bus - Control BusWhat are the 3 buses in a CPU?
System BusWhat is the name for the three buses collectively? (Address bus, Data bus, Control bus)
A collection of Control LinesWhat makes up the Control Bus?
Handles commands to other devicesWhat does the Control Bus do? (generally)
Moving data and instructions between system componentsWhat is the Data Bus responsible for?
Controls where the Data Bus is going to or fromWhat does the Address bus control?
- Accumulator - Program Counter - Current Instruction Register - Memory Address Register - Memory Data RegisterName the 5 registers in the CPU
Program Counter (PC)The Address of the NEXT instruction to be executed is held in which register?
Current Instruction RegisterWhich register holds the current instruction being executed?
- opcode - operandWhat is the data in the current instruction register divided into? (two things)
- Opcode is the part of the instruction which tells the processor what should be done - Operand is the part of the instruction which contains the data to be acted on, or the memory location of that dataWhat are opcode and operand?
The address of the memory location from which data is to be fetched or writtenWhat is stored in the Memory Address Register?
The actual data read from or written to memoryWhat is stored in the Memory Data Register (MDR)?
Memory Buffer RegisterWhat is another name for the Memory Data Register?
- Clock Speed - Number of Cores - Cache Memory (amount and type)Name the 3 main factors which affect processor performance
3.5 billion cycles per secondHow many cycles per second with a clock speed of 3.5GHz?
2-4GHzWhat is the average clock speed? (between two values)
Software may not be capable of taking advantage of multiple coresWhy does doubling the number of cores not necessarily double performance?
When an instruction is fetched from Main MemoryWhen is data copied to the cache?
Level 1 is faster but smallerThere are different levels of cache - Level 1 and Level 2. Which one is faster and what is the drawback of it?
Fetching a new instruction at the same time as the previous is being decoded and executed - performing the different stages of a process in parallel like an assembly lineWhat is Pipelining?
- Instruction Pipeline - Arithmetic PipelineProcessor Pipelining is sometimes split into two subs, what are they?
A group of bytesWhat is a word? (in the context of buses)
HarvardWhat is the other architecture other than Von Neumann?
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) - audio and speech signal processing, sonar etcWhat is Harvard Architecture often used for?
Harvard ArchitectureIn which architecture are Data and Programs held in seperate memories? (Von Neumann or Harvard)
Data and instructions can be fetched in parallel instead of competing for the same busIn what way can Harvard architecture be faster than Von Neumann?
- Program Counter valuecopied to the Memory Address Register - Control Unit loads the address onto the address bus and sends a signal to RAM to read the instruction at that address - Instruction at RAN address is passed across the data bus to the MDR - Instruction in the MDR is copied to the Current Instruction Register, ready to be decoded - Program Counter is incremented by one location, ready for next cycle - Instruction in Current Instruction Register is decoded by the Control Unit - Executed (usually in the accumulator)Fetch Decode Execute Cycle
- Clock Speed - Number of Cores - Cache size - RAM size - GPU - PipeliningWhat are the 6 factors which affect CPU performance
- Overheating - Transistors aren't any fasterWhy haven't clock speeds increased past 3.5GHz-4GHz? (2 reasons)
Heat SinkWhat's the bit that keeps the CPU from overheating?
- Expensive - Only improve performance on tasks related to graphics and video - Use alot of power so might need a more expensive power supply - Because they use lots of power, they require cooling which is noisy + expensiveList 4 disadvantages of Graphics Cards
- Larger and more specific instruction set so programming is simple - But the hardware is more complex as a result (uses more power)What is one advantage and one disadvantage of CISC?
Simpler instruction set means simpler hardware but more complex softwareWhat is the tradeoff with RISC?
RISC because each instruction takes only one clock cycle to complete so tasks can be efficiently scheduled and completed in parallelWhich one is better for pipelining (CISC or RISC) and why?
CISCWhich one (RISC or CISC) is usually used in desktop computers and laptops?
RISCWhich one (RISC or CISC) is usually used in smartphones?
Has several ALUsWhat is special about an array processor?
GPUs have thousands of smaller, more efficient cores which process in parallelA CPU has a few cores optimised for sequential processing, what about GPUs?
- A co-processor is used to offload compute-intensive parts of an application to the co-processor while the remainder of the code runs on the CPU. - A GPU is an example of a co-processorWhat is a co-processor used for and what is an example of a co-processor?
- Pen-type - Laser Scanners - CCD readers - Camera based readersWhat are 4 types of barcode scanners?
Pen-type readers are the most durable type BUT they need to come into physical contact with what they're reading to workWhat type of barcode reader is the most durable and what is the drawback of it?
- Barcode Readers - biometric devices - sensorsGive 3 examples of automatic input devices?
Can store lots of data cheaply but is inconvenient to move aroundOne advantage and one disadvantage of magentic storage
Portable and cheap but small capacity and easily damagedTwo advantages and two disadvantages of optical storage
- Backup is a precaution against losing data - Archiving is storing rarely used data to free up spaceWhat's the difference between backup and archiving?
Pits and lands - Pits are burned into the disk's surface with a laser making it less reflective at those points. pit = 1 land = 0How is data stored on optical storage?
Blu-Ray has shorter wavelength in the laser which allows much smaller pits to be engraved which means more can be fit in a smaller spaceBlu-Ray vs CD ROM - Which has higher capacity and why?
They all have a way of representing 1 and 0 without powerWhat is a similarity between all secondary storage devices?
To retain data when the computer is turned offWhy is secondary storage necessary?
The platters are coated in magnetic material. The different magnetic poles represent 0s and 1sHow do Hard Disks store data?
Use a reflective layer with a transparent dye coating that becomes less reflective when a laser 'burns' a spot in the trackHow do recordable disks store data?
Use a laser and a magnet to heat a spot on the disk and then set it's state to become a 0 or a 1 using the magnet before it cools againHow do rewritable disks store data?
- Fast read/write speed - Power efficient - Less fragile - Silent - More portableName 5 advantages of SSDs
- Relatively low capacity - ExpensiveGive 2 disadvantages of SSDs
- remove frequencies too high for most people to hear - remove quiet sounds which happen at the same time as louder soundsWhat are 2 lossless compression techniques for audio?
Laser scannersWhat type of barcode reader is used in supermarkets?
Camera-based scannersWhat is the most reliable type of barcode reader? (use for Berlin Film Festival Tickets)
- RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) - Passive and ActiveWhat is the technology used for oyster cards and what are the two types?
Dog taggingWhat is another use of RFID tags other than bank cards/oyster cards?
OLED is plastic so it can bendWhat's the difference between LED and OLED screens?
- don't last as long - sensitive to water - slow refresh rate (bad for games)What are 3 disadvantages of OLED displays?
- Thinner - Don't need backlighting - Consume less powerWhat are 3 advantages of OLED displays?
- they're decent quality and FAST - They use toner as inkWhat's the good thing about laser printers and what type of ink do they used?
- Inkjet - Works by spraying minute dots on the pageWhat type of printer is very high quality and how does it work?
Moving an aileronWhat is a use of an actuator in the context of a plane?
Blu-Ray has shorter wavelength in the laser which allows much smaller pits to be engraved which means more can be fit in a smaller space - higher capacityWhich has higher capacity and why? (CD-ROM or Blu-Ray)
- Bootstrap loader - a small program that starts up as soon as the computer is switched on and causes the OS to be loadedWhat is something which is stored in ROM and what does it do?