the suspicion | der Verdacht, das Misstrauen |
the dice, the cube | die Würfel |
to unwind, to conclude, to process, to handle, to transact | abwickeln |
the allocation (of funds), the awarding (of prizes), the placing (of orders)[targeting of sth good to someone] | die Vergabe |
the demonstration (of a new product), the presentation, the performance | die Vorführung |
to employ (sb), to engage (sb in sth), to occupy (sb), to keep (sb) busy | beschäftigen |
the decline | der Rückgang |
to sprout, to reject (an offer or opportunity), to spurn | ausschlagen |
the column (vertical row) | die Kolonne |
to stipulate, to dictate, to provide, to prescribe | vorschreiben, verordnen |
alarming, worrying | beunruhigend, besorgniserregend | all, none (at all) | keinerlei |
to undermine (sb or sth), to subvert | untergraben, zersetzen |
uniform (adj), uniformly, consistent | einheitlich |
to offer, to provide (an opportunity) | anbieten |
at night, during the night | in der Nacht |
at full blast (2 words in German) | auf Hochtouren |
in the struggle (2 words in German) | im Ringend |
to set the course (ex. for an exit from coal)(3 words in German) | die Weichen stellen |
the course, the track | der Kurs, die Weichen |
to relent, to yield, to indulge (by no longer resisting), to surrender (to temptation) | nachgeben, weichen |
the done deal (ex. It's a done deal) | die beschlossene Sache |
to reduce | reduzieren, verringern, kürzen (Zeit), verkleinern |
to heed, to regard, to take to heart | beachten, beherzigen |
the air circulation, the circulating air | die Umluft |
to assess (the situation), to judge | beurteilen |
to deny, to disavow | leugnen, abstreiten, dementieren |
granted (ex. by God), bestowed | beschert |
to bring (sb sth), to grant, to bestow | bescheren |
to wind, to roll | wickeln |
to wrap | einpacken, einwickeln, verpacken |
left (behind), spare (not used), remaining, rest | übrig |
the suitable weather (to wear a coat), the appropriate weather (for a bike ride) | das passende Wetter |
F*ck Corona! | Scheiß Corona! |
to preserve, to keep (maintain) | bewahren (von etw.), wahren |
the row (line), the succession (of things), the series, the range | die Reihe |
with all due respect | mit Verlaub |
the litigation | der Rechtsstreit |
the felony, the crime | das Verbrechen |
dilapidated | baufällig, verfallen, heruntergekommen |
to redistribute | umverteilen |
to exist | existieren, bestehen, vorliegen |
the fine, the penalty | die Geldstrafe, das Bußgeld |
to precede (go earlier), to progress, to proceed (go forward) | vorangehen |
the headstart, the projection (of a winner in an election) | der Vorsprung |
to hand down (ex. traditions), to pass down | überliefern |
from now on | ab sofort, ab jetzt |
the runoff election | die Stichwahl |
the voting rights | das Wahlrecht |
to weaken | abschwächen, schwächen |
the activities (that are secret or subversive) | die Umtriebe |
the inventory | der Vorrat, die Inventur, das Inventar |
consistent, consistently | einheitlich, beständig, gleichmäßig, konsequent |
to set a deadline | eine Frist ansetzen |
the stretch, the route, the line | die Strecke |