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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

what does research mean ?Research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making deductions and reaching conclusions; and finally, carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulated hypothesis.
why is research conducted (purpose)?1- To gain new knowledge,2- To find answers to questions,3-To test hypothesis,4-To create or construct a new system or procedure,5- To resolve or discuss controversies in an area of study,6- Review an existing problem.
what are the types of research?Descriptive ,Analytical ,Basic ,Applied,Cross sectional,Longitudinal .
what is descriptive research?provides description of the sate of affairs as it exists at present.It provides characteristics of the population or phenomenon that is being studied. it focusses on the “What” .They can only report what has happened or happening.then after that a hypothesis is generated. ex:. Prevalence of HCV in the world/Saudi Arabia.
what is analytical research ?Analytical research uses facts or information available, and analyse to make a critical evaluation of the material.Larger and more complicated.Analytic research is conducted to test hypotheses. Ex:Risk factors, How people get the infection.
what is basic research?Basic research involves gathering knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Helps to expand to broad body of scientific knowledge.Have general applications.Curiosity driven. Ex: Discovery of DNA structure.
what is applied research?Applied research helps to solve a specific problem faced by a society or an organization.Development of technology.Specific application (to the problem under study). Ex:Novel treatments for specific genotypes of HCV.
what is cross sectional research ?The cross sectional research is confined to a single time period. -What is happening at the present moment. -Inexpensive and fast -Provide important initial information. -Provide clues for future investigations.
what is Longitudinal research?Longitudinal research is conducted over several time periods. -What happens over extended period of time. -More expensive and laborious. -May provide cause and effect relationships. -Participants may opt to drop out
what's qualitative research ?Qualitative research deals with qualitative phenomena, ie. Quality or kind. -Qualitative data is not countable. -Exploratory. -Process oriented -Generally deals with ”YES or NO”, or “WHY or HOW”
what are the types of Quantitative data?Discrete data is described as having a finite number of possible values. (The values must be whole numbers) Ex Number of students in the class.Continuous data contains data that can be measured, that includes fractions and decimals. Ex Students’ height, weight.
what's the significance of research?Promotes development of logical thinking,Enhances our understanding of biological/cosmological phenomena,Aims at solving various problems in an organization or society,Development of new solutions/drugs.Helps you graduate by writing research thesis.Provides basis for various organizational/government policies related to health, economy .
What is criteria for good research?1-The purpose of research is clear. 2-Research methods are clearly described in detail for future repetition. 3-Carefully planned research design. 4-Unbiased reporting of data (describing flaws/limitations of design or data). 5-Integrity in data analysis. 6-Conclusions of the research must be justified by data 7-Integrity and commitment of researcher with the research.
what is the difference between Research Methods and Research Methodology?Research Methods: All the methods and techniques that are utilized to achieve a given objective.(Tools to obtain new data,Tools for analyzing the data using statistical techniques).know the assumptions behind the methods, the rationale to use one particular method vs the other. Research Methodology: It is a general approach of systematically solving research problem.(Way of doing research scientifically,Encompasses all the steps in studying a research problem,Research methodology has a wider scope
what does Collectively Research Methodology involve?-rationale behind the study. -defining research problem. stating hypothesis. -data collection using particular research methods. -Data analysis -Drawing conclusions -and a lot more depending on research projects.
what is quantitative research?Quantitative research focusses on the measurement of quantity or amount. -applied to phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity. -Conclusive -Result oriented. -Generally deals with “how much” or “how many”  -Quantitative data can be discrete or continuous (Surveys, interviews and questionnaires )