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level: Human Biology Systems Part A

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Human Biology Systems Part A

What is a Heterotroph?it is a living thing that needs to intake or eat all of the nutrient requirements to supply energy and the building blocks for organic compounds
What is mechanical digestion?This involves the physical breakdown of food particles by applying pressure to it.
In mechanical digestion(chewing) what digestive enzymes is present?Amylase enzyme is present and begins the break down of starch and complete sugars.
Where does the food go once swallowed?Down the oesophagus is a ball shaped called the bolus.
What is chemical digestion?this is to break down foods but through the use of chemicals such as acids and enzymes, breaking the food into much small pieces such as carbohydrates, proteins and fatty acids.
Where does the food go into from the oesophagus?The bolus enters the stomach, the bolus then breaks up into pieces and mixed with chime.
What acid and digestive enzymes are secreted in the stomach?hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen, which break down proteins.
What is in the stomach that is used to lubricate and protect the stomach walls?is it mucus
Where does the broken down food fragments from the stomach go to?This then goes to the small intestine in a controlled fashion.
What is the first part of the small intestine called?The Duodenum
What is a the Duodenums surface covered with?It is covered with microscopic villi that aids in the absorption of molecules.
What digestive enzymes enter the small intestine?pancreatic enzyme and bile from the gallbladder which breaks down fats into fat droplets.
Where does the broken down food molecules from the small intestine to go?It goes to the large intestine where no digestion is taken place and is primary function is to store waste matter until expulsion through the anus.
What are Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates broken down too?Amino acids, Fatty Acids and Glucose.
What are the main functions of the Kidney (Excretory System)?Filtration, Reabsorption and Excretion
What is Filtration in the Kidneys?Filtration is able to retain blood cells and proteins, but eliminates what is not required for the body.
What is Reabsorption in the Kidneys?This is the reabsorption of good molecules back into the blood stream.
What is Excretion in the Kidneys?This is the excretion of foreign organic materials through urine.