the certificate, the certification | das Zeugnis, die Bescheinigung, die Urkunde, das Zertifikat |
any (ex. ANY person who...emphasis on 'any') | jegliche (nachdrücklich für 'jede') |
to worry (about) | Sorgen machen, sich sorgen |
to care, to ensure, to provide | sorgen |
to thank, to give thanks to | sich bedanken, danken |
to relax | chillen (Denglish), entspannen, ausruhen |
to get on someone's nerves | auf den Keks gehen |
to piss someone off | auf den Sack gehen |
respectively, or | bzw., beziehungsweise |
to be the sh*t (slang) | der Hammer sein |
to dig, to clear (ex. trees to make a road or farm) | roden |
the incident (that is solved or minor) | der Zwischenfall |
the incident (not usually as bad as an accident) | der Vorfall, die Begebenheit (geh) |
the high achiever, the top talent, the peak power, the peak strength | die Spitzenkraft |
the looting | die Plünderung |
to enforce, to assert (authority), to push through (legislation) | durchsetzen |
to take drastic measures, to take vigorous action | durchgreifen |
the hookah lounge, the hookah bar | die Shisha-Bar |
the crisis team | der Krisenstab |
the control center, the headquarters | die Leitstelle |
to allow (something), to admit (the truth), to leave closed (ex. a window) | zulassen |
the driveway, the approach, the access (path to the beach) | die Zufahrt |
to be on sick leave | krankschrieben sein |
the estate, the property, the premises | das Anwesen |
exposed (to liability) | ausgesetzt |
to suspend (a rule or law) | aussetzen, aufheben |
the playhouse (for kids or theater), the gambling house | das Spielhaus |
starry (night) | sternenklar |
infamous, notorious | berüchtigt |
the wakeup call, the alarm signal | der Weckruf |
the drug, the medicine | das Medikament |
the joint plaintiff, the co-plaintiff | der Nebenkläger |
the bar (legal), the legal profession | die Anwaltschaft |
the stun grenade | die Blendgranate |
the general staff | der Generalstab |
the willingness, the readiness (to negotiate) | die Bereitschaft |
the investigation, the inquiry | die Untersuchung, die Ermittlung |
to list, to enumerate, to list out | aufzählen |
to dismantle, to dismount, to disassemble | demontieren |
the high school diploma | das Abitur |
one and a half | anderthalb |
the playground | der Spielplatz, der Schulhof |
to stop by (a pub), to stop in (for a bite to eat), to set in (normalcy) | einkehren |
in dealing with | im Umgang mit |
the blackmail payment | das Erpressungsgeld |
the license plate, the license plate number | das Autokennzeichen |
the test of patience | die Geduldsprobe |
to look up (something) | nachschlagen, nachsehen, nachblättern, nachlesen |
foreign | ausländisch, fremd, auswärtig |
to start, to start up, to initiate, to accrue, to tarnish (metal) | anlaufen |
to get caught, to get stuck, to get bogged down | sich verhaken, festfahren, sich verklemmen |
to fly away, to vanish (fears), to evaporate (fig.) | verfliegen |
the car that runs on combustion | das Verbrennungsauto |
STEP-wise, gradually | schrittweise |
the computer terminal (including iPads, etc) | das Endgerät |
the advanced education, the continuing education | die Fortbildung |
and now the (weather forecast) | und hier die (Vorhersage) |
the comrade, the companion, the associate | der Genosse, der Kamerad |
to dig, to rummage, to rummage around | grabbeln |
to stay away | fern halten, fernbleiben |
the dean, the provost, the superintendent | der Vorsteher |
to enliven, to animate, to perk up, to invigorate | beleben |
the indebtedness, the encumbrance | die Verschuldung |
the delivery, the duty (tax), the tax | die Abgabe |