to fade out (lights, music, a movie), to hide (ex. your fears), to dismiss (ex. a feeling) | ausblenden |
the pleasure (ex. of meeting you) | das Vergnügen, die Freude, der Genuss, (das Behagen) |
to shift, to relocate, to displace, to redeploy | verlagern |
the favor | der Gefallen, die Gefälligkeit |
to protrude, to stand out, to bulge, to manage (i.e. stand before the employees) | vorstehen |
the opportunity, the chance | die Gelegenheit, die Chance |
direct, directly, immediate, immediately | direkt, unmittelbar, sofort, unverzüglich |
to encompass, to comprise, to involve, to include | umfassen |
flat, plain, level | flach |
the Covid times | die Covid Zeiten |
Crete (island in Mediterranean) | Kreta (insel) |
the overtime (in a soccer game) | die Nachspielzeit |
the line, the path, the way, the artery | die Trasse |
the power grid | das Stromnetz |
the estimation question | die Schätzungsfrage |
the quick question | die kurze Frage |
casual, casually, sloppy, slang | salopp |
Oh Man!, Come on! (when missing an easy guess or lay up) | Menno! |
the death penalty, the capital punishment | die Todesstrafe |
the compass (i.e. the one you use for drawing) | der Zirkel |
the bold performance (of an actor, singer) | die plakative Leistung, die kühne Leistung |
the mind game | das Gedankenspiel |
to madden, to drive crazy | verrückt machen |
determined (personality trait) | entschlossen (Charaktereigenschaft) |
the guiding idea | die Leitidee |
to dial back (i.e. to turn down intensity) | zurückdrehen, zurückschrauben |
for good (forever), in the long run | auf Dauer, auf (die) Dauer |
the fabric, the structure | das Gefüge |
to sting, to stab, to jab | stechen |
to cut asparagus (to harvest asparagus) | Spargel stechen |
to stab off (at the right spot to kill sth or chop it off) | abstechen (zB Spargel) |
fairly quickly, quite quickly | recht schnell, relativ schnell |
the harvest worker | der Erntehelfer |
to peel (in general), to shell | schälen, pellen |
to peel (fruit, specifically) | enthäuten |
the melted butter | die Schmelzbutter, die zerlassene Butter |
to cool down, to cool | abkühlen |
rapid, rapidly, swiftly, swift (spread of the virus) | rasant |
for now, for the time being | vorerst, erstmal |
to slam (a book or door), to shut (forcefully), to pounce (on something, figuratively) | zuschlagen |
to record (data manually, not video), to note, to enter (information) | verzeichnen |
the peak | der Gipfel, der Höhepunkt, die Spitze, der Höchststand |
tense (person or situation) | gespannt, angespannt (zB eine Lage), nervös (als Persönlichkeitsmerkmal) |
last, lastly, finally (i.e. the last one), recently | zuletzt |
followed by (Mexico) | gefolgt von |
to stimulate, to cause, to make (someone do sth.), to prompt | anregen |
to interrogate, to question (someone), to grill, to examine (a witness) | verhören, vernehmen |
to urge, to exhort, to caution | ermahnen |
to suss out, to suss, to see through (a trick), to figure out | durchschauen |
the plain, the level, the tier, the rank | die Ebene |
to tower (to the sky), to loom | ragen (zB Die Säulen der Tempelruine ragen in den Himmel) |
to tolerate, to be able to deal with, to manage with, to be able to handle | vertragen |