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level: Page 19+

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level questions: Page 19+

speaking of...apropos...
the wildfiredas Lauffeuer
the wastewaterdas Abwasser
the peace treatyder Friedensvertrag
the inhibition, the restraint, the holding backdie Hemmung, die Zurückhaltung
unrestricted, unrestrainedhemmungslos, unbeschränkt
packed to the edge (or top)randvoll
the restaurant manager, the innkeeperder Gastwirt
to shift (ex. ballast or electrical charge or things that shift themselves)sich verlagern
to extend, to prolong, to lengthen, to eke outverlängern, recken
the assessment, the appraisaldie Beurteilung, die Bewertung, die Einschätzung, die Begutachtung
the attention, the respect, the deferencedie Achtung
the party convention, the political conventionder Parteitag
to overshadowüberschatten
to sway (in thinking), to budge (in thinking), to cause to reconsiderumstimmen
the competition (in sports or business)der Wettbewerb, die Konkurrenz, der Wettkampf
the early stage, the preliminary stagedie Vorstufe
to provide forversorgen, sorgen, verschaffen
partly, partially (cloudy)teilweise
to turn on (the TV, etc), to switch oneinschalten, anschalten
the local transportation, the local trafficder Nahverkehr
the book coverder Einband
to shrinkschrumpfen
the surrogate motherdie Leihmutter
to lend, to loanleihen
the nannydas Kindermädchen
to scratchkratzen
to sneergrinsen, spotten, höhnen
the sign, the signaldas Zeichen
the homesicknessdas Heimweh
the mining (of gold or coal)der Bergbau, der Abbau
the precinct, the beat (of a cop), the territory, the districtdas Revier
to shut down (e.g. a business)schließen, zumachen, stilllegen
the energy sourceder Energieträger
the emission (of CO2), the output (of energy)der Ausstoß
the incidence, the occurrence, the deposit (of a resource)das Vorkommen
to hover, to floatschweben
relatively, comparativelyrelativ, vergleichsweise, verhältnismäßig
to desirebegehren, wünschen
to amount to, to come to, to add up to, to bebetragen, gleichkommen
the nuclear power (i.e. atomic energy, not a country)die Kernenergie
prematureverfrüht, frühzeitig, vorzeitig
to stand (sth.), to bear, to tolerate, to endureertragen
the acquisition, the purchaseder Erwerb
(and that) in turn, againwiederum
againnochmal, wieder, erneut
competitivewettbewerbsfähig, konkurrenzfähig
the diagram, the table, the chartdie Schautafel
the city councilder Stadtrat
the prayer house (at a convent)das Bethaus
the needy (always plural)die Bedürftige
the grant (instead of tuition)das Stipendium
time limitedbefristet
the curfewdas Ausgehverbot
the prisonerder Gefangener, der Häftling
the descent (to the lower soccer league), the declineder Abstieg
to wrap, to wind (a clock), to rollwickeln
to teasehänseln, necken