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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

What does a pure substance consist of?element + compound
The thing present at the start of a chemical reaction.reactant
The substance made in the chemical reactionproduct
Types of Mixtureshomogeneous and heterogeneous
IsotopeAtom with same number of protons (atomic #)and different number of neutrons (mass #)
If the decimal point is moved to the left, what is the exponent?positive
How do you find density?Mass over volume
Count the least # of sig figs when using...multiplication and division
How to find mass?density x volume
How to find volume?Mass over density
Another name for chemical reactionchemical change
Solid, liquid or gas mixture that is uniform structure all throughout (cannot be seen separately)homogeneous mixture
A mixture that is not uniform and can be seen separately.heterogeneous mixture
Single type of atomelement
Two or more types of elements held by chemical bondcompound
If the decimal is moved to the right, what is the exponent?negative
How close to the actual answer..accuracy
How close the answers you got are to each other..precision
Use decimal places in sig figs when..adding and subtracting
J.J Thomsonused cathode ray to discover electrons and develop Plum Pudding Model.
cathode isnegative
anode ispositive
What did Rutherford discover?3 kinds of radioactivity; beta,alpha and gamma
What did Rutherford's gold foil experiment tell us?that every atom has a nucleus
electrons and protons tells us thecharge
protons and neutrons tells us themass
Democritusfirst to suggest atoms existence.
Daltonatomic weight and atomic theory.
Millikancalculated charge of proton/electron with oil drop experiment
Chadwickdiscovered neutron
amuatomic mass units
Hindenburgfound the uncertainty of electrons.
Order of atom modelsDalton/Thomson/Rutherford/Bohr
Ionatoms with a charge
Metals loose electrons forming..?cations
Non metals gain electrons forminganions
Electron CloudShows most responsible place where electrons are
Who found out the atom was 99% emptyRutherford
Who discovered energy levelsBohr
Why is Bohr model wrongIt does not support the uncertainty theory and doesn't work for larger atoms.
mass spectrometer functionuses ions, chemical substances,electricity and magnetic fields to get the mass of a charged atom