the model, the example, the idol/role model | das Vorbild, die Vorlage |
to sentence, to convict, to condemn, to denounce | verurteilen |
to argue, to quarrel, to bicker, to litigate | streiten, erörtern, hadern, sich zoffen |
the effort, the hassle, the expense | der Aufwand, die Anstrengung, die Mühe, die Bemühung |
the pioneer, the trailblazer, the forerunner | der Vorreiter, der Bahnbrecher |
complete, completely | völlstandig, komplett, völlig, restlos |
the impetus, the propulsion, the engine, the drive | der Antrieb |
the charging station | die Ladestation |
to equip | ausstatten, ausrüsten, bestücken |
actually, in fact | tatsächlich, in der Tat |
to be in a position to, to be able to | in der Lage sein, handlungsfähig sein |
to behave (hint: reflexive) | sich geben, sich verhalten |
to run away from home | von zu Hause abhauen, von zu Hause weglaufen |
the parsley | die Petersilie |
the ginger (spice) | der Ingwer |
to suck (literally) | saugen, lutschen, zuzeln |
the community | die Gemeinde, die Gemeinschaft |
to regret | bedauern, bereuen |
the reconstruction (of Germany), the rebuilding | der Wiederaufbau |
appropriate | angemessen |
to abort | abbrechen (for things), abtreiben (for fetuses) |
the abortion | die Abtreibung |
to accelerate | beschleunigen |
the sparrow | der Spatz |
the beehive | der Bienenkorb |
the board (of directors), the chairman of the board | der Vorstand |
the janitor, the custodian | der Hausmeister |
to play down (the virus) | kleinreden, herunterspielen, verharmlosen, verniedlichen |
the shortage, the scarcity | die Knappheit |
if | ob (also short for Rothenberg OBen der Tauber) |
in short, in a nutshell | kurz gesagt, kurz gefasst |
the caterpillar | die Raupe |
against | gegen, entgegen, wider |
adverse, unfavorable, contrary | widrig |
unconstitutional | verfassungswidrig |
the transmission (ex. data transmission), the conveyance (across a medium) | die Übermittlung |
the lawmaker, the legislature | der Gesetzgeber |
additional, additionally | zusätzlich |
the gray area | der Graubereich, die Grauzone |
to capture (computer info), to gather (data), to seize, to put in the grasp of (mentally or physically), to understand | erfassen |
to draft, to write, to compose (ex. a Constitution) | verfassen |
the verdict, the judgment, the sentence | das Urteil |
the prejudice (that some people have), the bias | das Vorurteil, die Befangenheit |
to remain under (a lockdown) | unterbleiben |
the transgression, the stepping over a border | die Überschreitung |
to bother, to trouble, to labor (hint: reflexive!) | sich bemühen |
uncertain, unsure, insecure | ungewiss, unsicher, verunsichert |
to revive | aufleben |
the podium | das Treppchen |
the inside (of the house), the interior, the internal space | der Innenraum |
to be subject to, to be under (someone's control), to be subordinate to, to be answerable to | unterstehen |
to fail, to give out, to malfunction | versagen (no stigma or known cause), scheitern (stigma and/or known cause), missglücken, ausfallen, misslingen |
to originate (from), to arise (from), to descend (from) | stammen |
the custom, the rite, the practice, the traditional | der Brauch, die Sitte, die Gepflogenheit (geh) |