level: Level 1
Questions and Answers List
level questions: Level 1
Question | Answer |
Boisson | drink EXEPTION |
Cafe | coffee EXEPTION |
boisson gauzeuse | Soda |
chaucolate chaud | Hot chaucolate |
jus | juice |
lait | milk |
the | tea EXEPTION |
the glace | ice tea EXEPTION |
leau | water |
la nouriture | food |
plat | dish |
ingredient | ingredient |
morceau | piece |
tranche | slice |
banane | banana |
barbe a papa | cotton candy |
beurre | butter |
biscuit | cookie |
bonbon | candy |
boeuf haché | ground beef |
bouillon | broth |
champignon | mushroom |
chocolat | chocolate |
cornichon | pickle |
creme fouette | whipped cream |
crème glacée | icecream |
crêpe | crepe |
crevette | shrimp |
dinde | turkey |
épices | spices |
fraise | strawberry |
frites | fries |
fruit | fruit |
fromage | cheese EXEPTION |
fruit de mer | seafood |
gâteau | cake |
gaufre | waffle |
l'huile | oil |
jambon | ham |
laitue | lettuce |
légumes | vegitables EXEPTION |
maïs | corn |
moutarde | mustard |
noix | nuts |
oeuf | egg |
oignon | onion |
pain | bread |
pâte | dough |
pâtes | pasta |
pizza | pizza |
poivre | pepper |
poivron | bell pepper |
pomme | apple |
pomme de terre | potato |
poisson | fish |
poulet | chicken |
raisins | grapes |
rasin sec | rasins |
riz | rice |
salade | salad |
sandwich sous-marin | submarine sandwich |
sauce tomate | tomato sauce |
sel | salt |
sirop d'érable | maple syrup |
soupe | soup |
steak | steak |
sucre | sugar |