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level: Level 1

Questions and Answers List

level questions: Level 1

What are the four different measures1. Central Tendency 2. Variability 3. Skewness and Kurtosis 4. Position
A graphical representation of a frequency distributionHistogram
The score that divides the distribution into two equal parts, so that half the cases are above it and half below it.Median
A single number to serve as a representation value around which all the numbers in the set tend to clusterCentral Tendency
What measure of Central Tendency should be used when the variable is a Nominal?Mode
Defined as the percentage of scores that are below the score in questionPercentile
Extreme values in the distributionOutliers
Kurtosis that is flat and spread outPlatykurtic
Kurtosis that has higher distributions; values close to the mean are more frequentPositive Kurtosis
This measures gives us an idea on how spread the data are on their centerMeasures of Variability
_____ is sensitive to extreme valuesMean
If S > 0, the distribution is ____ skewedPositively
This is the measure that is used when outliers are presentMedian
Percentile ranks that divide the 100-unit scale by 10sDeciles
Points that divide the distribution into quartersQuartiles
Absence of symmetrySkewness
Describes how data are distributedMeasures of Shape
If S < 0, the distribution is ____ skewedNegatively
Where are the two inflection points of a normal curve located?On each side of the mean
Describes the individual scores and its position among the other scores but not the entire set of scoresPercentile
Summing of the scores divided by the number of scores.Mean
Kurtosis that has flatter distributions; values that are extreme, or far from the mean, are more frequentNegative Kurtosis
Kurtosis that is normal in shapeMesokurtic
The difference between the highest and lowest score in the distributionRange
It is an arithmetic meanMean
If S = 0, the distribution is ____Symmetric
Kurtosis that is high and thinLeptokurtic
Mode that is used for numerical or categorical dataMultimodal
the variance has the same units as with the original data, similar to the standard deviationFalse