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Functions of the 4 Systems of the body
Chapter 1
Level 2
level: Level 2
Questions and Answers List
Functions of the 4 Systems of the Body
level questions: Level 2
Support and Shape– the bones of the skeleton provide support for the body and gives the body its shape.
Function of the Skeletal System
Heat Production - when cold muscles shiver to create heat.
Function of the Muscular System
Attachment of Muscles to Tendons - provide attachment points for tendons to joints – the bones of the skeleton provide surfaces for the attachment of muscles. This is why bones are often irregular shapes and have bony points and grooves to provide attachment points.
Function of the Skeletal System
Helps Maintain Posture - with strong core muscles.
Function of the Muscular System
Blood cell production. It allows the production of red and white blood cells. Certain bones in the skeleton contain red bone marrow and the bone marrow produces red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Examples of bones that contain marrow are the pelvis, sternum, vertebrae and clavicle.
Function of the Skeletal System
Produces movement - allows the body to move with the help of the skeletal system, muscles pull on the tendons to all the skeleton to move causing the joints to bend.
Function of the Muscular System
Protection for the vital organs – for example, the cranium protects the brain, the ribs offer protection to the heart and lungs, the vertebrae protect the spinal cord and the pelvis offers protection to the sensitive reproductive organs.
Function of the Skeletal System
Joint Support and muscle stabilises the joints - helps to stabilise the knee.
Function of the Muscular System
Storage for minerals – the bones themselves are made of minerals and act as a mineral store for calcium and phosphorous, which can be given up if the body requires the minerals for other functions such as soft tissues and nerve endings.
Function of the Skeletal System
Helps with circulation - the Heart Muscles pumps oxygenated (oxygen) blood round the body and deoxygenated (carbon dioxide) blood back to the lungs.
Function of the Muscular System
Helps with Breathing - the diaphragm muscle is used during breathing. Allowing air in and forcing air out. Helps with respiration.
Function of the Muscular System.
Helps with Digestion - push food down the oesophagus (food pipe) and into and out of the stomach through the intestines.
Function of the Muscular System
Transports oxygenated blood round the body - oxygen
Function of the Cardiovascular System.
Removes carbon dioxide from the body
Function of the Respiratory System
Regulates and controls body temperature
Function of the Cardiovascular System.
Responsible for the intake of oxygen into the body
Function of the Respiratory System
Transportation and Removal of deoxygenated blood - carbon dioxide
Function of the Cardiovascular System.
Controls the speed we breath in and out
Functionsof the Respiratory System
Helps to supply the body with the nutrients that the body needs - fuel from food and oxygen
Function of the Cardiovascular System.
Protects the body against inhaling foreign bodies (cilia) - dust
Function of the Respiratory System
Transportation and removal of metabolic waste from tissues, (carbon dioxide) muscles (lactic acid) and organs. (breakdown of amino acids)
Function of the Cardiovascular System.
Helps to protect against infection (white blood cells) and helps to clot open wounds. (platelets
Function of the Cardiovascular System
The skeleton allows movement of the body as a whole and its individual parts. The bones act as levers and also form joints that allow muscles to pull on them and produce joint movements.
Function of the Skeletal System
Controls the depth of our breathing
Function of the Respiratory System