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level: LEVEL 2

Questions and Answers List

level questions: LEVEL 2

Muscles that oppose one another areANTAGONISTS
The most movable attachment of a muscle is itsINSERTION
The muscle whose name means it is to the side of midline is theVASTUS LATERALIS
In a class III lever system, the____________.pull is located between the fulcrum and the weight.
A prominent lateral muscle of the neck that can cause flexion of the neck or rotate the head is the______________.STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID
An aerial circus performer who supports her body only with her teeth while spinning around should have strongtemporalis muscles masseter muscles buccinator muscles
The tongue’s shape changes primarily because of the action of the__________INTRINSIC TONGUE MUSCLES
The infrahyoid musclesfix (prevent movement of) the hyoid.
prevent food from entering the nasal cavitySOFT PALATE MUSCLES
Which of these movements is not caused by contraction of the erector spinae muscles?flexion of the vertebral column
Which of these muscles is not involved with the inspiration of air? a. diaphragm b. external intercostals c. scalenes d. transversus thoracisTRANSVERSUS THORACIS
Choose the arrangement that lists the muscles from most superficial to deepest. (1) external abdominal oblique (2) internal abdominal oblique (3) transversus abdominis1,2,3
Divide the rectus abdominis muscles into segments.TENDINOUS INTERSECTIONS
Which of these muscles can both elevate and depress the scapula?TRAPEZIUS
Which of these muscles does not adduct the arm (humerus)? A. latissimus dorsi B. teres major C. coracobrachialis D. deltoid E. pectoralis majorDELTOID
Which of these muscles would you expect to be especially well developed in a boxer known for his powerful jab (punching straight ahead)?TRICEPS BRACHII
Which of these muscles is an antagonist of the triceps brachii?BICEPS BRACHII
The posterior group of forearm muscles is responsible forextension of the fingers.
Which of these muscles is an intrinsic hand muscle that moves the thumb?Flexor pollicis brevis
Which of the muscles flex the hip?ILIOPSOAS
Which of these muscles is found in the compartment of the thigh?GRACILIS
Which of these is not a muscle that can flex the knee?vastus medialis
The_______________ muscles evert the foot, whereas the__________muscles invert the foot.fibularis (longus and brevis), tibialis anterior and extensor hallucis longus
Which of these muscles causes plantar flexion of the foot?SOLEUS