Abortive (adj) | Failing to accomplish an intended aim or purpose; only partially or imperfectly. developed.
SENTENCE- I made an abortive attempt to catch the cat from falling into the ground from a second story. |
Absurd (adj) | Contrary to reason; obviously inconsistent with truth or common sense.
SENTENCE-What an absurd point of view! |
Bedlam (n) | A state or scene of uproar and confusion.
SENTENCE- A bedlam occurred after catching the murderer. |
Belie (v) | Contradict; give a false impression.
SENTENCE-Her good intentions belie her evil heart. |
Cacophony (n) | Harsh-sounding, discordant.
SENTENCE-He had a lot of cacophony in his poem. |
Callous (adj) | Emotionally hardened, unfeeling.
SENTENCE-My dog felt callous after losing her puppy. |
Debilitate (v) | To make weak or feeble.
SENTENCE-The virus debilitated my immune system. |
Debutante (n) | Young woman who has just made her formal entrance into society.
SENTENCE-Samuel could have been a debutante in Seventeen, but he was too young at the time. |
Edifice (n) | A building; a structure; a large or massive building (church, palace).
SENTENCE-The edifice was really unstable, so they tore it down. |
Eclectic (adj) | Selective in choosing from a variety of sources.
SENTENCE-We had an eclectic group of knives to choose from. |
Fabricate (v) | To make, manufacture; to make up, invent.
SENTENCE-John fabricated a time-travelling machine in his basement. |
Gamut (n) | An entire range or series.
SENTENCES-I have a gamut of Cinderella´s funko pop collection. |
Hamper (v) | Obstruct.
SENTENCE-The baby hampered the way with all her toys. |
Iconoclast (n) | One who attacks or seeks to overthrow popular or traditional belief, ideas, or institutions; an opponent of religious use of images.
SENTENCE-Iconoclasts can be really offensive and harsh. |
Ignominious (adj) | Marked with or full of disgrace; quality or conduct deserving disgrace; shameful; disgraceful.
SENTENCE-I felt ignominious when I failed my career thesis. |
Jeopardize (v) | To expose to loss or injury; to risk.
SENTENCE-The media jeopardized my acting career, with some false rumors about my actions towards my wife. |
Labyrinth (n) | A bewildering maze; any confusing or complicated situation.
SENTENCE-My mom and I were lost in the “Sunflower Labyrinth”. |
Magnanimous (adj) | Generous in forgiving, above small meannesses.
SENTENCE-My dad showed such magnanimous behavior after getting into an accident in his favorite car. |
Nadir (n) | The lowest point; time of greatest depression.
SENTENCE-Fabian´s nadir showed his true potential and abilities, that he wouldn´t have noticed in any other situation. |
Obliterate (v) | To erase or blot out; to render imperceptible.
SENTENCE-The police system never obliterates your actions. |