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Forum: General Questions
Propose to use memory.com in our private/LAN


Level: 6
Streak: 0
Dear Memory.com Let me introduce my self, my name is Azza. I'm working at PT Minori, Indonesia. Our company is engaged in sending traineeship/internship to Japan. You can find our company profile at www.minori.co.id. Before sending the traineeship, we provide their education. We use both creative conventional and online education/learning. One we usually use to practice is memory.com. We are very interested to use memory.com for traineeship and proposed to use your application in our private/LAN server, so if you don't mind, can you provide more information about memory.com, such as if it can be used as on-premise, the safety of our content and data, etc. Thank you, hope to hear good news from you. Warm Regards, Azza


1 comment

Memory Support
Memory Support
This is a shared account for Memory developers and support

Level: 8
Streak: 0
Hello, I am glad to hear that you use MEMORY for some of your training. Regarding on-premise usage on a local LAN, you can continue to access memory.com from the LAN, but we do not offer any options for you to license the software or install it locally. Therefore, the only way to use it on-premise is to connect to the internet at memory.com only. If you continue to use Memory in this manner, you can read our policies on user-generated content in the Terms and conditions - essentially it is yours, you can export it at any time and use it as you wish within the terms. Apologies I can't assist further on the on-premise offering.
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