Forum: General Questions
Algorithm Number of Cards per day without buildup
Primary Question
At what number of perfectly-learned
words-per-day, does your "questions due" keep at the same level?
There must be a number of cards per day that are sustainable (across all classes) if you always get the answer right.
If you add too many, you'll end up with an ever-increasing number of words to maintain.
So basically at what number of perfectly-learned
words-per-day, does your questions due keep at the same level?
How many times do you have to get a word correct on average to send it out to a week or two?
I'm trying to build a reasonable study plan, but I'm not sure where the turning point is for the algorithm. It seems to require more repitition than my brain does, but the app's convenient.
While I still haven't figured out the exact answer to this, I have figured out how to get and adjust some of the statistics:
First review a set of questions due
(Instructions to practice questions "due": Go to the menu in the upper left corner, click "dashboard," then "due courses" close to the top, scroll down and click " practice all due questions" under the course you want to practice the questions for.)
When the set is done, there will be a grey button that says "algorithm settings" slightly above a button that says something like "continue reviewing level" or "continue reviewing course." It will allow you to adjust a number of frequency options and also show you a list of progressively farther spaced review dates.
In case someone else has the same question:
Bottom line, review fewer than or far fewer than the number of cards you can stand each day times the decimal .75.
It would appear that, in a normal review schedule, with all-perfect answers, you would still see a card about 7 times in the next four weeks.
With only correct answers, you will still be reviewing a quarter more cards than you add (on average) each day.
So multiply the number of cards you're willing to look at every day by the decimal .75. The number of new cards that you add each day would have to be less than that to keep tolerable. If you aren't getting them right almost every time it should be even farther under that.
Why you'd prefer adding evenfewer cards:
Chances are you are not going to get all of your answers correct all of the time, so the number of cards that you add should be even lower than the calculation.
Also note that you must use "learn" mode first. Learn mode also adds additional older cards not accounted for by this estimate. Further, to end a session of review, you may have cards that say "not due" in red at the bottom. If you review these, that would add to how many cards you feel like you've reviewed. Reviewing them early does not seem to change the due dates of those cards.
So far as a lower-estimate goes:
If you answer all of the cards right every other time, it looks like your progress takes about 4 times as long (the whole chart is not visible). IF that's true 4x (7/28)= 28/28=1. You're due to review each old card on average once a day.
(Math is not my strong suit, so maybe my interpretation is incorrect, but...)
If you answer each question right every other time you wouldn't want to have more TOTOAL cards in the month than you want to see every day.
Number of cards to add per day:
So you would divide the number of cards you're willing to see every day by 28 to see how many cards you should add each day.
"Common sense" note:
Consider WHEN you need to know the information by. It might not be worthwhile to plan to new add words to your deck the night before the test if you don't tend to learn the answers easily.
Note: changing frequency settings will also change the answer to this.
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