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Was/were/did (Portuguese/English)

Pratique e domine was, were e did.

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Was/were/did (Portuguese/English)

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Eigo Idiomas

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Estava aqui.

It was here.

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Escuchar y deletrearOrtografía: escribe lo que escuchas
elección múltipleModo de elección múltiple
Expresión oralPractica tu habilidad de expresión oral
Expresión oral y comprensión auditivaPractica la pronunciación
EscrituraModo de solo escritura

Was/were/did (Portuguese/English) - Marcador

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Was/were/did (Portuguese/English) - Detalles



60 preguntas
Estava aqui.
It was here.
Ela estava calada.
She was silent.
Você não estava com sono ontem.
You weren't sleepy yesterday.
Meus amigos estavam na escola?
Were my friends at school?
A temperatura estava mudando.
The temperature was changing.
Meus pais não estavam em casa de manhã.
My parents weren't home this morning.
Era um lugar triste.
It was a sad place.
Eles não estavam olhando para nós.
They weren't looking at us.
A passagem estava cara.
The ticket was expensive.
O gato comeu o bolo.
The cat ate the cake.
Maria socorreu sua colega de sala.
Maria helped her classmate.
Aconteceu tão rápido.
It happened so fast.
Eu não pensei duas vezes.
I didn't think twice.
Você assistiu o jogo ontem?
Did you watch the game yesterday?
Eles tiveram que acordar cedo.
They had to get up early.
A loja não tinha o livro que eu pedi.
The store didn't have the book I ordered.
Eu joguei videogame até às 4 horas da manhã.
I played video games until 4 o'clock in the morning.
Meus parentes chegaram de uma viagem no domingo.
My relatives arrived from a trip on Sunday.
Eu não gostei do lugar.
I didn't like the place.
Minha irmãzinha estava chorando porque estava com fome.
My little sister was crying because she was hungry.
Eles estavam sozinhos mas eram felizes.
They were alone but they were happy.
O cachorro quente estava bom mas os hambúrgueres estavam soberbos.
The hot dog was good but the burgers were superb.
A pizza estava mais ou menos, nem boa nem ruim.
The pizza was so-so, neither good nor bad.
As crianças gritaram e correram.
The children screamed and ran.
Todos queriam um pedaço do bolo.
Everyone wanted a piece of the cake.
Tudo estava ruim menos a sobremesa.
Everything was bad except the dessert.
Tudo estava maravilhoso, especialmente o prato principal.
Everything was wonderful, especially the main dish.
Todos menos eu desistiram do desafio
Everyone but me gave up the challenge
Os filhotes eram felizes até a morte do dono.
The puppies were happy until the owner's death.
A casa era bonita até a enchente atingir a cidade.
The house was beautiful until the flood hit the city.
Eles não estavam com fome e não comeram nada.
They weren't hungry and didn't eat anything.
Elas estavam cansadas mas terminaram a tarefa de casa.
They were tired but finished their homework.
O bebê estava chorando e queria leite.
The baby was crying and wanted milk.
Eu estava caminhando quando trombei com a árvore.
I was walking when I bumped into the tree.
Estava chovendo e ventando muito.
It was raining and very windy.
Os pássaros voaram e foram para o sul.
The birds flew and went south.
Os papagaios estavam cantando mas pararam quando eu cheguei.
The parrots were singing but stopped when I arrived.
As flores murcharam por causa do vento e do sol.
The flowers withered because of the wind and the sun.
Ontem eu estive aqui mas não observei aquele buraco na parede.
Yesterday I was here but I didn't notice that hole in the wall.
Eu estava abrindo a encomenda quando o telefone tocou.
I was opening the order when the phone rang.
Eu fiquei em um lindo hotel quando estive na Hungria.
I stayed at a beautiful hotel when I was in Hungary.
Helen bebeu toda a água porque estava com muita sede.
Helen drank all the water because she was very thirsty.
Eles não gostaram da oferta e foram para outra loja.
They didn't like the offer and went to another store.
Eles estavam querendo comprar o terreno mas não tinham dinheiro suficiente.
They were looking to buy the land but didn't have enough money.
Eu não queria enxergar o problema por isso decidi sair dali.
I didn't want to see the problem so I decided to get out of there.
Anna estava triste e percebeu que não queria estar ali.
Anna was sad and realized she didn't want to be there.
Eu anotei as respostas mas percebi que elas estavam incorretas.
I wrote down the answers but realized they were incorrect.
Eu estava abrindo a encomenda quando o telefone tocou.
I was opening the order when the phone rang.
Bob estava receoso e fez uma pergunta séria ao seu chefe.
Bob was afraid and asked his boss a serious question.
Você não sabia que Laura e Mark eram irmãos?
Didn't you know that Laura and Mark were siblings?
Meu primo comprou uma caminhonete zero kilômetro.
My cousin bought a brand new pickup truck.
A tia do meu amigo trouxe muitos presentes da sua viagem à China.
My friend's aunt brought a lot of gifts from her trip to China.
A praça da cidade estava muito suja.
The town square was very dirty.
Plutão era considerado um planeta até um tempo atrás.
Pluto was considered a planet until a while ago.
A mãe do Mark recebeu um prêmio da escola.
Mark's mother received an award from the school.
Minha empresa estava à beira da falência.
My company was on the verge of bankruptcy.
Os animais da lista estavam à beira da extinção.
The animals on the list were on the brink of extinction.
A resposta das autoridades não foi das melhores
The authorities' response was not the best.
O discurso se estendeu por duas horas.
The speech went on for two hours.