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Expresión oral y comprensión auditivaPractica la pronunciación
EscrituraModo de solo escritura

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213 preguntas
Makes directory
Mkdir dir_name
Copies file to new file
Cp old_file copy_of_file
Rename file
Mv old_name new_name
Removes file
Rm file_name
Removes directory
Rm -r dir_name
Shows what is in the file
Less- more advanced more- less advanced LOGICAL XD
Changing prompt
Combines two commands
; cd ; pwd- changes to home dir and prints working dir
Absolute path relative path
/somepath --------------- ./somepath somepath
Setting variable acccessing variable
SOMEVAR ="sth" echo $SOMEVAR echo ${SOMEVAR}
Unsetting variable
Selecting manual sections
Man 1 kill displays first section of man of kill command don't specify parenthesis for functions
What is SSH
Secure shell protocol enables two computers to commmunicate safely, it is encrypted closing terminal results in killing all processes in current session
Connecting via ssh
Ssh [username@]hostname[.domainname]
What is GNU screen utility
Terminal multiplexer, by starting a screen session one can open many virtual terminals, processes runnning in screen will run even after disconnecting
Makes a copy of everything that is printed on terminal and saves it into the ./typescript file
Script-starts a script exit-ends script cat ./typescript- access to file
Hardware information
Lscpu lspci lsusb
Displays information on total and free memory
Free free -h -human readable version
File viewing
More - less advanced less - more advanced
Creates multilevel directory
Mkdir -p sub1/sub2/sub3
Creates a symlink
Ln -s source_file symbolic_link
Compares files line by line displays results side by side
Diff old_file new_file > file_patch diff -y Symbols: < lines missing in first > lines missing in second | lines that differ
Compressing files decompressing files
Gzip file_name gunzip file_name.gz bzip2 file_name bunzip2 file_name.bz2 xz file_name unxz file_name.xz
Creates a single file that is a concatenation of files given as arguments
Tarball creation: tar -cvf tarball.tar file_1 file_2 tarball extraction: tar -xvf tarball.tar -c create -x extract -v verbose mode -f specifies name leaves source files untouched doesnt create extention .tar auomatically
Finding files and performing operations on them
Fin [where to look for] [conditions while looking for] [what to do]
What is a stream
Communcation channel for transfering ordered bytes
What standard streams are there?
Stdin (0) stdout (1) stderr (2)
What are filters
Filters are commands that take input from stdin if there are no filenames given examples: sort, grep
What are pipes
Pipes allow for redirecting stdout of one command to stdin of another symbol: | if second command is a filter it processes stdout of preceding command
How to perform command substitution
`command` content is replaced with stdout of the command example: echo my name is `whoami` my name is hania
Counting lines, words, characters
Wc [-l|-w|-c] filename can be used in pipelining example: env | wc -l
Sort filename can be used in pipelining example: env | sort
What is generic regular expression parser
Grep is used for searching and extracting lines form file that match some regular expression grep [options] patter file_name popular options: -i -ignore case -v -invert selection zgrep allows for grepping over compressed files
What is i-node?
I-node is a structer that stores all information about file except its name and data. Information is stored in numerical value
What are block devices?
File type that refers to mass storage devices Allow for random buffered access to devices lsblk -lists block devices
What are character devices?
File type that refers to both pysical devices and system byte generators Allow for sequential unbuffered access to devices
What are hidden files?
Files that start with a dot rm command skips hidden caracters, hence * wildcard doesnt work .* must be used
Displays directory content size recursively
Du -sh h stand for human readable, particular files are distinguished note that it includes hidden files
Lists all files that are open
Lsof lsof somefile -displays information on selected file
Copies count block of the bs size from if to the of file
Dd if=input_file of=output_file count=how_many bs=block_size
What is disk partitioning in linux?
It enables to split hard drive into separate sections that act independently
Command for partiton management
Fdisk it requires root privileges
BSD terminology slice partitions
Fdisk partition logical disks
Command used to create file system
Mkfs [-t type] device mkfs.type device