Tissue Donor Screening
In Inglés
In Inglés
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Tissue Donor Screening - Marcador
Tissue Donor Screening - Detalles
51 preguntas
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Defer 1 day | Allergy desensitization |
2 weeks after last injection | Animal serum products |
Accept immediately if feeling well and healthy | Anthrax vaccine |
4 weeks | Botulinum toxin |
2 weeks | Bcg (bacillus calmette-guerin) |
4 weeks | Chicken pox |
12 months | Chickenpox immune globulin (varicella-zoster immune globulin) |
Defer 1 day | Desensitization (allergy) |
Accept immediately if feeling well and healthy | DT (Diphtheria, tetanus) |
Accept immediately if feeling well and healthy | DPT or Tdap (Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, whooping cough) |
12 months | Experimental vaccinations |
Accept immediately if feeling well and healthy | Flu (injection or nasal) |
Accept immediately | Gardasil |
12 months if given post exposure. Accept immediately if given prophylactically and not for exposure. | Hepatitis A vaccine |
12 months if given post exposure. 14 days if given prophylactically and not for exposure. | Hepatitis B vaccine |
12 months | Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (HBIG) |
120 days if given post exposure to Hepatitis A. Evaluate if given for exposure to any other disease. Accept immediately if given prophylactically and not for exposure. | Immune Globulin (ISG)(Immune System Globulin) |
Accept immediately if feeling well and healthy | Japanese Encephalitis |
Accept immediately if feeling well and healthy | Lyme vaccine |
2 weeks | Measles (Rubella) |
4 weeks | Measles, German (Rubella) |
Accept immediately if feeling well and healthy | Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine |
4 weeks | MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) |
2 weeks | Mumps |
Accept immediately if feeling well and healthy | Pertussis Vaccine |
2 weeks after last dose | Polio (Oral, Sabin) |
Accept immediately if feeling well and healthy | Polio (by injection, Salk) |
Accept immediately per FDA | Rh Immune Globulin (RhoGAM) |
Accept immediately if feeling well and healthy | Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever |
4 weeks after last injection | Rubella (German Measles) |
4 weeks | Shingles (Zostavax) |
Defer 8 weeks | Smallpox without complications |
Accept immediately if symptom free. If for human bite, defer for 12 months. See Medical Conditions guidelines for animal bite. | Tetanus toxoid |
Accept immediately if feeling well and healthy | Tetanus & Diphtheria Toxoids |
14 days if given prophylactically. 12 months if given post exposure | Twin RX (combined Hepatitis A and B vaccines) |
Accept immediately if feeling well and healthy | Typhus, Paratyphoid |
4 weeks after last injection | Varicella-Zoster (Chicken Pox) |
2 months after last injection | Varicella-Zoster Immune Globulin |
2 weeks after last injection | Yellow Fever |