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The Modeling Data in the Organization and the Enhanced ER Model

In Inglés

Creado por:
Xell Tanaka

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This is the process of creating a data model for the data to be stored in a database.

Data modeling

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57 preguntas
What are the two concepts of EER model?
Generalization Specialization
These are the two most important type of constraints that are described.
Completeness constaints Disjointness constraints
These are the two possible rules of the completeness constraints.
Total specialization rule Partial specialization rule
What are the three types of data models?
Conceptual data model Logical data model Physical data model
What are the five data model building blocks?
Entities Attributes Relationship Constraint Business rules
What are the five types of attributes?
Simple attributes Composite attributes Derived attributes Single-value attributes Multi-value attributes
What are the three degrees of a relationship?
Unary (degree 1) Binary (degree 2) Ternary (degree 3)