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Structural Organisms In Animals (Animal Tissues)

Introduction, Cell Junctions, Epithelium Tissue, Connective Tissue, Nervous Tissue, Muscular Tissue

In Inglés
Structural Organisms In Animals (Animal Tissues)

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Which Organisms evolved first?

Unicellular Organisms

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Structural Organisms In Animals (Animal Tissues) - Detalles



416 preguntas
Which Organisms evolved first?
Unicellular Organisms
Define Tissue
A group of similar cells with intercellular substance performing a specific function is called Tissue.
Give some examples of Coelenterate.
Hydra & Jelly Fish & Sea Anemone
What are the types of tissues?
1. Epithelial Tissue 2. Connective Tissue 3. Neural/Nervous Tissue 4. Muscular Tissue
What does Epithelial tissue face/form?
1. It forms outer covering or internal lining of the body organ. 2. Facing external Environment or body fluid.
Describe the position of Basement Membrane with respect to other tissues.
Epithelium tissue - Basement Membrane - Connective Tissue
Name the two parts of Basement Membrane.
1. Basal Lamina 2. Reticular Lamina
What is the basal lamina made up of?
Mucopolysaccharides & Glycoproteins
What is the Reticular Lamina made up of?
Protein Fibers (Collagen or reticular)
What are the functions of the Basement Membrane?
Provides support, elasticity, flexibility
Name the 3 types of specializations on Epithelial Tissue
1. Microvilli 2. Cilia/Kinocilia 3. Stereocilia
Function of Microvilli
Increases surface area for absorption.
Structure of Microvilli
Microscopic finger like projections
Structure of Kinocilia
Hair/bristle like
Location of Kinocilia
Fallopian Tube & Respiratory Tract
Function of Stereocilia
Serve as a sensory function
Structure of stereocilia
Hair/bristle like projections
Location of Stereocilia
Vas deferens, Nose, Cochlea (ear), Epididymis
Function of Cell Junctions
Structural & Functional link between cells in a tissue.
Name the types of cell Junctions
1. Tight Junction 2. Gap Junction 3. Adhering Junctions 4. Hemidesmosomes
Function of Tight Junctions
Prevent leakage of substances in between two cells.
Function of Gap Junction
Allows communication between two cells of a tissue by allowing passage of substances.
Gap Junction allows the passage of what substances?
Ions, Large Molecules, Small Substances
What are the 2 types of Adhering Junctions?
1. Macula Adherens 2. Zonula Adherens
Function of Macula Adherens
Perform cementing of neighboring cells
What is Keratin?
A hard, insoluble substance, non-contractible.
What is Plaque?
A thick protein layer.
Function of Zonula Adherens
Perform cementing of neighboring cells
Functions of Actin
Responsible for contraction
Location of Actin
Muscle cells
Function of hemidesmosomes.
Connects the cells of epithelial tissue to basement membrane
What are the 2 types of Epithelial tissue?
1. Simple Epithelium 2. Compound Epithelium
What are the types of simple epithelial tissue?
1. Squamous Simple Epithelial tissue 2. Cuboidal Simple Epithelial Tissue 3. Columnar Simple Epithelial Tissue 4. Ciliated Simple Epithelial Tissue 5. Pseudostratified Simple Epithelial Tissue 6. Glandular Simple Epithelial Tissue
What are the types of Compound Epithelial Tissue?
1. Stratified compound epithelium 2. Transitional compound Epithelium
What does Simple Epithelium mean?
Single layer of cells resting on a basement membrane
What is the other name for Squamous Epithelium?
1. Tessellated Epithelium 2. Pavement Epithelium
What does tessellated epithelium mean?
Polygonal celled Epithelium
What does pavement membrane mean?
Tile shaped cells in Epithelium
List the locations of Simple Squamous Epithelium
1. Alveoli of lungs 2. Forms lining of blood & lymph vessels 3. Bowman's Capsule & Henle's loop 4.Coelom present in body lining
Function of Simple Squamous Epithelium
1. Exchange of gases in lungs 2. Filtration in nephron
What is Coelom?
It is the body cavity in between body wall & Visceral organs.
Describe the structure of Simple Cuboidal Epithelium.
Cube like cells with round, central nucleus.
What is the function of Brush Bordered Simple Cuboidal Epithelium?
It's function is to increase Surface Area for absorption in the nephron
Describe the structure of Simple Columnar Epithelium.
Tall column like cells with basal, oval nucleus
What is Mucosa/Mucosal Membrane?
Mucous producing cells, columnar epithelium + Underlying connective tissue.
What are the 2 types of Ciliated Epithelium?
1. Simple Ciliated Cuboidal Epithelium 2. Simple Ciliated Columnar Epithelium