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Systems 1b Practical Anatomy - Respiratory System

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Systems 1b Practical Anatomy - Respiratory System

Creado por:
Fergus Wood

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sternum anterioly, vertebrae T1-12 posterioly and ribs 1-12 laterally

what structures are in the thoracic wall

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86 preguntas
Clavicle (in the sternoclavicular joints)
What bones articulate with the manubrium at its superolateral angles?
Plane hyaline cartilaginous joints
What type of joints are the sternoclavicular ones?
Jugular notch
What is the name given to the median notch formed by the superior borders of the manubrium?
Vertebrial level T4, rib 2
Where is the sternomanubrial joint (sternal angle)?
Which ribs are true ribs?
Which ribs are false ribs?
Which ribs are floating ribs
Body with head, transverse process with tubercle
What do the demi-facets of thoracic vertebrae articulate with?
First ribs, T1, manubrium
Which bones form the thoracic inlet?
T12, rib 11-12, costal cartilage of 7-10, xiphiod process
Which bones/costal cartilages form the thoracic outlet?
A)1-7, b)8-10
Which costal cartilages are a) attached directly to sternum and b) attached indirectly?
Costal groove (underneath rib), between the internal and innermost intercostal muscles
Where and between which two muscles is the neurovascular bundle located?
At the top of each rib
Where is the collateral branch of the neurovascular bundle located?
In the fifth intercostal space in the midaxillary line
Where is chest drain normally inserted?
Mucosa (epithelium + lamina propria), submucosa, cartilage, adventitia
What is the composition of the extrapulmonary tubes (trachea + bronchi outside of lungs) from lumen to outside of tube?
Hyaline and smooth muscle
What type of cartilage and muscle fibres are found in the respiratory tract?
Goblet cells and ciliated cells
What are the two types of cell found in the epithelial layer?
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
What is the name of the respiratory epithelium
What substance is secreted by the glands in the submucosa (submucosal glands)?
Trachialis muscle
What is the name given to the smooth muscle found in the posterior wall of the trachea?
What tubular structure lies immediatly prosterior to the trachea?
Hyaline cartilage (all layrgeal cartilages are hyaline except epiglottis which is elastic)
What cartilage makes up the laryngeal prominence (adams apple)
What structure prevents solids and liquids entering the larygeal inlet?
What is the keel shaped cartilage ring at the bifurcation of the trachea called?
Common carotid arteries in neck and vagus nerves
What lies immediatly lateral to the trachea?
Which abdominal organ causes the right lung to be shorter and thicker?
Plates of hyaline cartilage
What tissue is present in the wall of the bronchus that allows it to be easily identified?
Eparterial (above) and hypertial (below)
Name the two bronchi in the right hilum
What dermatome supplies the skin at the sternal angle?
In the armpit
Where are the axillary lymph nodes located
Around large veins
Where do lymph nodes tent to be clustered?
Extensive adipose (fatty) tissue
What is the glandular part of the breast surrounded by?
The anterior (pectoral) group of axillary lymph
Where does the majority of the lymph drain into?
Right as has the liver underneath
Which dome of the diaphragm reaches higher and why?
Bronchioles have no hyaline cartilage
How do you distinguish bronchioles from bronchus?
Elastic tissue and reticular fibres (collagen)
Name two types of connective tissue found in alveoli
The visceral plura (adhered to the lungs)
Which layer of the pleura enters and lines the fissures of the lungs?
Mediastinal, diaphragmatic, costal and apical
The parietal pleura is named according to its location in the thoracic cavity, name these 4 different areas
Midclavicular line a)rib 6 b)rib 8 midaxillary line a)rib 8 b) rib 10 midscapular line a)rib 10 b)rib 12 There is always a 2 intercostal space difference between the inefrior border of the lung and parietal pleura
What is the number of the rib at which the inferior border of the a) lung and b) parietal pleura descend to in the midaxillary, midclavicular and midscapula lines?
The heart
What organ occupies the notch seen in the anterior border of the left lung between ribs 4-6?
The oblique fissure follows the course of which rib?
The horizontal fissure lies at the level of which rib?
Vertebrae level C7 to T10
The posterior border of the lung extends from where to where?
9th intercostal space
At what place in the midaxillary line is it safe to aspirate?
Left- L1-2, Right- L1-3
To which vertebrae are the left and right crura attached?
Clover (trefoil)
What is the shape of the central tendon?
Central tendon
To which tendon is the diaphragm attached?
Xiphiod process
To which part of the sternum is the diaphragm attached?
On what level does the opening for the inferior vena cava occur?
On what level does the opening for the oesophagus occur
On what level does the opening for the aorta occur?