Super Easy French 65: Train Experience
Vocabulary words from episode 65 of the YouTube channel Super Easy French.
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Super Easy French 65: Train Experience - Marcador
Super Easy French 65: Train Experience - Detalles
68 preguntas
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To buy | Acheter |
To arrive | Arriver |
To wait | Attendre |
To drink | Boire |
To order | Commander |
To get off/go down | Descendre |
To eat | Manger |
To get on/To go up | Monter |
To starve | Mourir de faim |
To go/leave | Partir |
To take the train | Prendre le train |
To sit down | S'asseoir |
To get ready | Se préparer |
To travel | Voyager |
Good/yummy | Bon/bonne |
Big/fat/large | Grow/grosse |
Small | Petit/petite |
Fast | Rapide |
Old | Vieux/vieille |
In | Dans |
From | De (+article) |
Behind | Derriére |
En | In |
Sur | On |
Total/bill | L'addition (f) |
Address | L'adresse (f) |
Arrival | L'arrivéé |
Ticket | Le billet |
Soft drink | La boisson fraîche |
Candy/sweet | Le bonbon |
Cente | Le centime |
Crisps | Les chops |
Chocolate | Le chocolat |
Coke | Le Coca |
Departure | Le départ |
Destination | La destination |
Direction | La direction |
Shelf | L'étagère (f) |
Tag/label | L'ètiquette (f) |
Train station | La gare |
Waffle | La gaufre |
Time/hour | L'heaure (f) |
Machine | Le machine |
Menu | Le menu |
Board/sign | Le panneau |
Passport | L:e passeport |
Bag | Le sac |
Sandwhich | Le sandwich |
Seat | Le siége |
Snack | Le snack |
Train | Le train |
Luggage/suitcase | La valise |
Platform | La voie/le quai |
Club car | La voiture-bar |
Trip/journey | Le voyage |
Inside | Dans |
Close to | Prés de |
Loin de | Far from |
In front | Devant |
Behind | Derriére |
In front & opposite/Facing | En face de |
Near | À coté de |
Between | Entre |
Above/on top | Sur |
Bottom/below | Sous |
To the left | A gouche de |
To the right | A droit de |