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SOSE Term 4 Globalization

In Inglés
SOSE Term 4 Globalization

Creado por:
Rahil Mehta

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What is mass tourism?

The movement of large groups of tourists visiting popular holiday destinations.

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SOSE Term 4 Globalization - Detalles



15 preguntas
What is mass tourism?
The movement of large groups of tourists visiting popular holiday destinations.
What are the positive impacts of tourism?
It is economically sustainable since the area gains money and makes more jobs available. More people learn about diverse cultures in different areas of the world.
What are the negative impacts of tourism?
It causes pollution in more areas, overpopulation and crowd in peaceful places or certain peoples homes. Property damage and destruction to the authentic culture.
What is globalisation?
The process by which business or other organisations develop international influence or start operation on an international scale.
What is an eco-tourist?
They are tourists who want to experience the natural environment without changing it or urbanising it. These tourist try not to pollute and run on low fuel to be eco-friendly.
Why is tourism important?
It helps the country's economy by opening up more local jobs in popular destinations as well as allows for tourists to diversify their cultural viewpoints.
What are the negative impacts of globalisation?
It made rich countries to become richer and poor countries poorer since the rich countries payed the poor less than minimum wage by using child labour. Racist and sexist exploitation was used to pay very small amounts so that the rich could sell it for much more of a profit.
What is an ecological footprint?
The network used to measure human demand on natural resources around the globe.
How do indigenous peoples perceive land?
Native Australian's see the land as it owns them (that they belong to it) as to them owning the land. They have sacred value for their land since it has been their home for centuries in the past.
What does the acronym GEPRA stand for?
General Explanation, Patterns, Relationships, Anomalies.
What does the acronym PQE stand for?
Patterns, Quantify, Exceptions
What is a tourist?
A person who is travelling or visiting a place for pleasure and spends longer than 24 hours but less than a year there.
What was the effect of globalisation?
Trade, Multinational production, international finance, improved technology and faster transport.
What was the cause of globalisation?
Globalisation happened since some areas had certain materials which other nations did not. Trading these materials so that a network of nations could develop technology caused globalisation.
What are the ecological footprints from a first world country to a developing country?
Australia has 9.31gha compared to India with only 1.16 gha. India has a much lesser ecological footprint.