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SOK Mod 2

In Inglés

Creado por:
Lana Turner

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What is Art?

Art is a form of expression of human imagination in visual forms which can be presented with the use of paint or sculpture to present ideas and feelings

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20 preguntas
What is Art?
Art is a form of expression of human imagination in visual forms which can be presented with the use of paint or sculpture to present ideas and feelings
What is Aesthetics?
The philosophy that goes into art to recognise the beauty and the meaning of the art work, it is done by looking at the culture, history and the intention of the artist
What is culture?
The characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people defined by cuisine, langauge, religion, social habits, music and art
What are the 3 important values of Art
ICE: Innovation, creativity and expression
History of Art
Prehistoric Period Classical: Greek and Roman Greek: Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic= CHA Mediaval Art Renaissance Art Baroque Art Modern and Post Modern
Prehistoric Period
Paintings of animals ex: horses in caves Techniques: Foreshortening to achieve illusion of depth using pigments Goddess of fertility: Important for civilisation
Nudity Contrapposto: Realism Kouros and Kore: Male and female youth
Golden Age Important sculpture: Myron: Discus thrower made of out Bronze Very defined, tensed muscles, wise Tree trunk behind represents nature, beauty, balance, background, perspective Contrapposto
Hellenistic Period
Female Nudity Aphrodite of Knidos: Lack of Contrapposto Shows grace and fertility Laocoon and His two Sons: Marble Statue Gods punished Laocoon after they believed he had sexual relationships in the temple Sent serpents to suffocate the father and two sons Terribility= When statue communicates something terrible
The Parthenon
Temple on the Athenian Acropolis; Majestically imposing, yet built to a scale of proportion
Greek Painting
Painted mostly on pottery, vases
Roman Art
Commemorative for the greatness of their empire and all their victories. Developed the arch, aqueducts, baths and colossal columns with statues that documented victories; height= success Ex: Colosseum emphasizing the strength and massiveness and the Column of Trajan dedicated to Emperor Trajan in honour of his victory over Dacia
Adjectives to describe roman art
CHN= Commemorative, Historical, Narrative
3 continents with roman empire
Southern Europe: Spain Northern coast of Africa Asia
4 types of Roman Architecture
Domestic Public Religious Commemorative
Medieval Art
End of classical era Ex: Cathedrals, painting and sculptures of saints and ritual items The Romanesque era was art with roman traditions and was aesthetically pleasing. Ex: Barrel vaults, domes, columns, arches, small windows
Gothic Era
Characterised with magnificent cathedrals, pointed arches, buttresses, gargoyles and stained glass. Done to symbolise the mightiness of God
Renaissance Art
The philosophy of humanism and rebirth of classical times Artists: Filippo Brunelleschi: illusion of depth Giotto: The Lamentation of Christ Leonardo: High Renaissance: Last Supper Michelangelo: Cysteine Chapel Linear perspective and use of light: sfumato effect and chiaroscuro
Baroque Art
Grotesque style suggested wealth and power Not organised Church and Monarchies used art as religious and political propaganda Caravaggio revealed a new style: Teneberism (dramatic illusion) and chiaroscuro ex: beheading of st.John 3D effect: The Palace of Versailles
Modern and Post Modern Art
Modern art: Began with impressionism Monet; Impression sunrise: Induced the name of the movement from a review that criticised the style. Impressionists sought to achieve a reflection of modern industrialisation and invention of photography Post- Impressionism: Where artists formed their own styles in movements ex: neo-impressionism, expressionism (Van Gogh), Fauvism, Cubism (Picasso), Futurism, Surrealism Post Modern Art: Began in modern art with an anti-art movement which rejected main assumptions of traditional art; art that had to be original and that art needs to be a message or interpretation. A movement in post-modern art is Neo-Dada