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Semester 2: Chapter 2

In Inglés

Creado por:
Kamani Benton

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Performed on basis of the patient’s choice.


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Semester 2: Chapter 2 - Detalles



56 preguntas
Plastic surgery.
Opening into.
Opening made to allow the passage of drainage.
Direct visualization with a scope.
Surgical repair.
Destruction of dissolution.
Surgical removal.
Surgical joining of two ducts or blood vessels to allow flow to one to another; to bypass an area.
What are older adults more likely to experience undergoing surgery?
Longer time to heal. Nurse should be aware of any auditory, visual, or cognitive impairments. Disorientation or toxic reaction the administration of anesthetics.
What is the circulating nurse is responsible for?
Observing breaks in the sterile field.
List the following signs of pulmonary embolism:
Dyspnea. Tachycardia. Chest Pain.
In preparing for the return of the surgical patient, what position should the bed be in?
Highest position with side rails down on receiving side and up opposite side.
What is the preoperative considerations for garlic?
Potential for increasing bleeding.
What is the preoperative considerations for ginger?
Risk for prolonged clotting times. Discontinue before surgery.
What is the preoperative considerations for St. John wort.
Discontinue before surgery because of possible drug interactions.
Patient teaching before surgery help reduce:
The patient’s anxiety associated with the fear of the unknown. The amount of anesthesia needed. Postsurgical pain. Corticosteroid production.
The responsibilities of the scrub nurse:
Observes progress of surgical procedure. Maintains count of equipment. Maintains neat and orderly sterile field.
The responsibilities of the circulating nurse:
Observes sterile field closely for any breaks in aspect if technique and reports accordingly. Counts the equipment before closure of wound begins.
List a following patient teaching for incentive spirometry:
Use is 10 breathe hourly during walking hours.
What do patients fear when they are in pain and on pain medications?
They fear that addiction to pain medication may occur.
List a preoperative patient teaching:
Encourage to void before receiving medication and must remain in bed after administration of the medication to prevent falls.