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Science - Marcador
Science - Detalles
93 preguntas
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
H | Hydrogen |
He | Helium |
Li | Lithium |
Be | Beryllium |
B | Boron |
C | Carbon |
N | Nitrogen |
O | Oxygen |
F | Fluorine |
Ne | Neon |
Na | Sodium |
Mg | Magnesium |
Al | Aluminum |
Si | Silicon |
P | Phosphorus |
S | Sulfur |
Cl | Chlorine |
Ar | Argon |
K | Potassium |
Ca | Calcium |
Sc | Scandium |
Ti | Titanium |
V | Vanadium |
Cr | Chromium |
Mn | Manganese |
Fe | Iron |
Co | Cobalt |
Ni | Nickel |
Cu | Copper |
Zn | Zinc |
Ga | Gallium |
Ge | Germanium |
As | Arsenic |
Se | Selenium |
Br | Bromine |
Kr | Krypton |
Rb | Rubidium |
Sr | Strontium |
Ag | Silver |
Sn | Tin |
Sb | Antimony |
I | Iodine |
Xe | Xenon |
Cs | Cesium |
Ba | Barium |
Pt | Platinum |
Au | Gold |
Hg | Mercury |
Pb | Lead |
Po | Polonium |
Rn | Radon |
Fr | Francium |
Ra | Radium |
U | Uranium |
Democritus | -greek philosopher -first to postulate about matter -believed matter was made of “atomos”, indivisible particles. |
Aristotle | -greek philosopher -thought matter as belonging to four categories: earth, water, wind, fire -accepted explanation for 1500 years |
Galileo Galilei | -"father of modern science" -first to incorporate mathematics into laws of nature -first to go beyond philosophy and conduct proper scientific experiments. |
John Dalton | -law of constant proportions: dalton realized that all elements combine in constant proportions to form new substances. -billiard ball model: atoms are build similar to billiard balls. they are small, invisible particles. -first to make an atomic theory: 1. all matter is made of atoms 2. atoms of the same element are identical in every way 3. atoms of different elements are different 4. atoms are held together by an invisible force |
Mendeleev | -first person to create an orderly arrangement of the 63 known elements -elements were arranged from heaviest to lightest (mass) |
Rutherford | -in 1899, rutherford bombarded thin sheets of gold foil with alpha particles. -most particles passed through the foil without being deflected. -some particles, though, bounced right back as if they had hit a solid object. -conclusions: 1. atoms have a nucleus with a positive charge 2. atoms are mostly empty space 3. electrons float in this space |
Thomson | -used a cathode ray tube and a magnetic field to determine the ratio of charge to mass (e/m) of an electron. -found electrons to be much smaller than the smallest atom (hydrogen) and that the same particles were being emitted from every type of material he used in his experiment. -concluded: 1. atoms were not indivisible 2. instead, atoms of every kind contained the same type of small negatively charged particles called electrons. 3. for atoms to be neutrally charged, their electrons must float in a positively charged substance. -developed plum-pudding model |
Moseley | -did experiments which concluded: 1. elements have more protons the heavier they are 2. the atomic number was the number of protons in the element’s nucleus -began rearranging the periodic table according to the atomic number |
What is the crust made of? | Silicon, aluminum, and oxygen |
What is the least dense layer and how dense is it? | The crust, 2.7-3.1 g/cm3 |
What is the thickness and temperature of the crust? | 5-70km, 0-550c |
What is earths thickest layer? | The mantle |
What is the mantle made of? | Iron, magnesium, and silicon |
What is the lithosphere? | The rigid layer made up of the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust |
What is the lithosphere also known as? | Rigid mantle |
What is the asthenosphere? | The soft layer of the mantle of which the lithosphere floats. |
What is the asthenosphere also known as? | Plastic mantle |
Lower mantle definition | Bottom portion of the mantle |
Other name of the lower mantle | Stiffer mantle |
Core composition | Iron and nickel |
State of matter of the outer core | Molten iron and nickel |
State of matter of inner core | Solid iron and nickel |
What is heat transfer? | The movement of energy from a warmer object to a cooler object |
Radiation is the transfer of energy | Throughout space |
Convection is a type of heat transfer by | The movement of currents within a fluid |
Why do convection currents move? | There's a temp or density difference in a material |
What causes convection currents in the mantle? | Heat from the core and mantle |
Faults definition | Breaks in the earths crust where rocks have slipped past each other |
Places where tectonic plates meet are called | Plate boundaries |
Convergent plate boundaries... | Move towards one another |
Landforms created at oo convergent boundaries | Island arcs, volcanos, trenches, earthquakes |
Geographic example of oo convergent boundaries | Mariana trench |