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Human Biology - Receptors and Reflexes

In Inglés

Creado por:
Eden Volkers

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What are receptors?

able to detect a change in the body's internal or external environments can be grouped together in a sense organ or as a specialised nerve ending

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11 preguntas
What are receptors?
Able to detect a change in the body's internal or external environments can be grouped together in a sense organ or as a specialised nerve ending
Thermoreceptors function and location
Thermoreceptors detect temperature changes located within the skin and in the hypothalamus (temperature of blood flowing through the brain) hypothalamus regulates body temp using this info
Osmoreceptors function and location
Located in the hypothalamus detect changes in osmotic pressure even if minimal osmotic pressure refers to the amount of solute in the blood plasma (High osmotic pressure = more solute/low osmotic pressure = less solute) body water content is strictly controlled
Chemoreceptors function and location
Stimulated by certain chemicals found in the nose and mouth giving the sense of taste and smell internal receptors in carotid/aortic bodies and medulla internal receptors sensitive to pH level, O2 and CO2
Mechanoreceptors function and location
Found mainly in skin, detect touch types include 1=close to surface, sensitive to light touch (more common in sensitive areas) 2=located deeper, sensitive to pressure and vibrations
Nociceptors (Pain Receptors) function and location
Stimulated through damage to tissue concentrated in skin and lining of internal structures does not adapt quickly so pain is consistent (protective mechanism)
Photoreceptors function and location
Located as cones and rods in the eye (specifically the retina) respond to light convert light in to signals sent to the brain for processing
What are reflexes
Rapid automatic response to a change in environment mostly coordinated by spinal cord (spinal reflex) some involve unconscious parts of the brain pathway of impulse called reflex arc
The four properties of a reflex
-stimulus -involuntary -rapid -stereotyped
5 stages of the spinal reflex
1=receptor, reacts to a change in the environment and initiates a nerve impulse 2=sensory neuron, carries the impulse to the CNS 3=synapse, at least one and one or more interneurons 4=motor neuron, nerve impulse to the effector 5=effector, receives nerve impulse and acts
Other impulses include...
-protective reflexes (present from birth) -learned reflexes (acquired due to repetition)