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This definition of abnormality states that : a person’s behaviour or thinking is classified abnormal if it is rare The less frequently the behaviour occurs, the more likely it is to be abnormal.

Statistical infrequency

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Psychopathology-Abnormality - Marcador

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Psychopathology-Abnormality - Detalles



7 preguntas
Strength and weakness of the definition of abnormality: Deviation from social norms
Strength: gives clear indication of what behaviour isn’t desirable Takes into account the effects of the behaviour on others Helpful in deciding whether the abnormal behaviour indicates presence of a mental disorder requiring treatments Weakness: Cultural relativism: something might or not be acceptable in different cultures Era dependent: social norms vary over time.
Strength and weakness of the definition of abnormality: failure to function inadequately
Strength: Includes subjective experiences of patient Recognises the importance of individual’s perspective Weakness: Difficult to distinguish function issues or just deviation from social norm Requires judgement from external person-judgement on the GAF scale is subjective and depends on observers opinion
Strength and weakness of the definition of abnormality: Deviation from ideal mental health
Strength: Comprehensive and positive approach Broad range of criteria, covering reasons why someone would seek help Focuses on on desirable behaviours rather than individual failures (positive) Weakness: Cultural relativism Unrealistic standards-very few people meet the criteria, therefore would clarify most people as abnormal.