psychopathology a level
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psychopathology a level - Marcador
psychopathology a level - Detalles
73 preguntas
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
EVALUATION of deviation from ideal mental health | +VE : DIMH is a holistic definition, as it considers multiple factors in diagnosis and provides suggestions for personal development, DIMH does not simply state what is wrong but also suggests how problems can be overcome. -VE : it is too strict of a set of criteria to define mental health, as it challenging to achieve all of the requirements at one time; most people would be defined as abnormal. also culturally bound as these standards may not be the same for all countries. Some of Jahoda's criteria cannot be applied for other countries. the concept of self actualization may be seen as self indulgent in some countries. |
Social norms | Things that are considered right or wrong in social behaviour. they reflect what is expected by a group or in society more widely |
Deviation from social norms | Concerns behaviour that is different from the accepted standards of behaviour in a community or society. for example, homosexuality is still considered abnormal in some cultures |
One positive evaluation of deviation from social norms | +VE : real life application deviation from social norms is used in clinical practice. one of the key defining traits of antisocial personality disorder is the failure to conform to culturally acceptable ethical behaviour. this shows that deviation from social norms has value in psychiatry |
-VE of deviation form social norms | -social norms is different in different cultures and situations. a person from one cultural group may label someone from another group as abnormal using their standards rather than the persons standards. -human rights abuse, using deviation from social norms to define someone as abnormal can leave them open to human rights abuse. there can be diagnoses made to commit prejudice towards discriminated groups. |
Statistical infrequency | Occurs when an individual has a less common characteristic, like low IQ. considered normal if its near the average, while extremes are considered abnormal. |
Evaluation of statistical infrequency | - real world application : statistical infrequency can be used in clinical practice to diagnose and assess severity of disorders. for example, intellectual disability is considered when IQ is below 70 - statistical infrequency is also a very objective measure, this better than the other definitions that depend on the subjective opinion of a clinician - unusual characteristics can be positive. being very high on the IQ spectrum does not make you abnormal. suggesting that this is only a partial definition of abnormality |
Evaluation of deviation from social norms | - highly subjective, different in every culture - real world application |
Failure to function adequately | When someone is unable to cope with ordinary demands of day to day living such as maintaining personal hygiene. |
Evaluation of failure to function | - represents a threshold for help, research conducted stated that 25% of people in UK will experience a mental health problem within a year. this definition targets those who have very severe - discrimination and social control, doesnt support alternative lifestyles (unemployment). may lead to freedom of choice being restricted |
Deviation from ideal mental health | Occurs when someone does not meet a set of criteria for good mental health |
Jahoda's six conditions for ideal mental health | 1. good self esteem 2. personal growth and self actualization 3. integration, ability to cope with stress 4. independent 5. having accurate perception of reality 6. mastery of environment |
EVALUATION of deviation from ideal mental health | +VE : DIMH is a holistic definition, as it considers multiple factors in diagnosis and provides suggestions for personal development, DIMH does not simply state what is wrong but also suggests how problems can be overcome. -VE : it is too strict of a set of criteria to define mental health, as it challenging to achieve all of the requirements at one time; most people would be defined as abnormal. also culturally bound as these standards may not be the same for all countries. Some of Jahoda's criteria cannot be applied for other countries. the concept of self actualization may be seen as self indulgent in some countries. |
EVALUATION of treatment for phobia | - systematic glooding is more pleasurable exericne as they limit their anxiety slowly, however it is a slower process that requires more sessions. flooding can also be dangerous especially for older people - both SD and flooding are more effective in treating specific phobias than social phobias - research support found that 83% of ppts treated with VR exposure to spiders improved compared to none in the control group. this suggests SD are valid |
EVALUATION of treatment for phobia | - systematic glooding is more pleasurable exericne as they limit their anxiety slowly, however it is a slower process that requires more sessions. flooding can also be dangerous especially for older people - both SD and flooding are more effective in treating specific phobias than social phobias - research support found that 83% of ppts treated with VR exposure to spiders improved compared to none in the control group. this suggests SD are valid |
EVALUATION of treatment for phobia | - systematic glooding is more pleasurable exericne as they limit their anxiety slowly, however it is a slower process that requires more sessions. flooding can also be dangerous especially for older people - both SD and flooding are more effective in treating specific phobias than social phobias - research support found that 83% of ppts treated with VR exposure to spiders improved compared to none in the control group. this suggests SD are valid |
EVALUATION of treatment for phobia | - systematic glooding is more pleasurable exericne as they limit their anxiety slowly, however it is a slower process that requires more sessions. flooding can also be dangerous especially for older people - both SD and flooding are more effective in treating specific phobias than social phobias - research support found that 83% of ppts treated with VR exposure to spiders improved compared to none in the control group. this suggests SD are valid |
EVALUATION of treatment for phobia | - systematic glooding is more pleasurable exericne as they limit their anxiety slowly, however it is a slower process that requires more sessions. flooding can also be dangerous especially for older people - both SD and flooding are more effective in treating specific phobias than social phobias - research support found that 83% of ppts treated with VR exposure to spiders improved compared to none in the control group. this suggests SD are valid |
EVALUATION of treatment for phobia | - systematic glooding is more pleasurable exericne as they limit their anxiety slowly, however it is a slower process that requires more sessions. flooding can also be dangerous especially for older people - both SD and flooding are more effective in treating specific phobias than social phobias - research support found that 83% of ppts treated with VR exposure to spiders improved compared to none in the control group. this suggests SD are valid |
EVALUATION of treatment for phobia | - systematic glooding is more pleasurable exericne as they limit their anxiety slowly, however it is a slower process that requires more sessions. flooding can also be dangerous especially for older people - both SD and flooding are more effective in treating specific phobias than social phobias - research support found that 83% of ppts treated with VR exposure to spiders improved compared to none in the control group. this suggests SD are valid |
EVALUATION of treatment for phobia | - systematic glooding is more pleasurable exericne as they limit their anxiety slowly, however it is a slower process that requires more sessions. flooding can also be dangerous especially for older people - both SD and flooding are more effective in treating specific phobias than social phobias - research support found that 83% of ppts treated with VR exposure to spiders improved compared to none in the control group. this suggests SD are valid |
Flooding | Involves immediate and full exposure to MAX level of phobic stimulus. causes temporary panic to client but the clinical will keep the client in the situation until temporary panic has stopped and client is calm. |
Flooding | Involves immediate and full exposure to MAX level of phobic stimulus. causes temporary panic to client but the clinical will keep the client in the situation until temporary panic has stopped and client is calm. |
Flooding | Involves immediate and full exposure to MAX level of phobic stimulus. causes temporary panic to client but the clinical will keep the client in the situation until temporary panic has stopped and client is calm. |
Negative evaluation for behaviorist explanation of phobia | - does not account for cognitive aspects of phobia. the model only handles the behavioral characteristics of phobia. for example two process model does not account for irrational beliefs that come with phobia |
Phobia definition | An irrational fear of an object or situation |
Behavioral characteristics of phobia | - avoidance : physically adapting normal behavior to avoid phobic objects - panic : an uncontrollable physical response (e.g screaming, running) - endurance : when person chooses to remain in the presence of the phobic stimulus |
Emotional characteristics of phobia | - anxiety : an uncomfortably high and persistent state of arousal - fear : intense emotional sensation of extreme and unpleasant alertness. it only subsidies when the phobic object is removed |
Cognitive characteristics of phobia | Irrational thoughts : negative and irrational mental processes that include an exaggerates belief in the harm the phobic object could cause cognitive distortion : perceptions of a person with phobia may be inaccurate and unrealistic. |
What approaches explains phobias | The behaviorist approach |
What model demonstrates how phobias | - the two process model that suggests that phobias are acquired by classical conditioning and then continue because of operant conditioning |
The two process model | Acquisition : classical conditioning suggests that phobic object changes from being a neural stimulus with no fear stimulus that naturally causes a fear response by being presented at the same time as an unconditioned stimulus that naturally causes a fear response- thus forming an association maintenance : operant conditioning suggests avoidance behaviour leads to a reduction in anxiety which is a pleasant sensation - this is a negative reinforcement strengthens phobic response. |
Positive evaluation of the behaviorist approach for explaining phobias | - real world application : can be applied to therapies like systematic desensitization and flooding. which have proven to be effective - the little albert study illustrates how bad experiences can lead to phobias being formed. this confirms the suggestion provided by the two process model. |
Negative evaluation for behaviorist explanation of phobia | - does not account for cognitive aspects of phobia. the model only handles the behavioral characteristics of phobia. for example two process model does not account for irrational beliefs that come with phobia |
Behavioral approach to treating phobias | Systematic desensitization and flooding |
Systematic desensitization | Therapist first teaches relaxation techniques like breathing exercises, then progresses through an anxiety hierarchy created by the client and therapist from least feared presentation to most. gradual exposure leads to extinction of fear association and a new association with relaxation formed |
Flooding | Involves immediate and full exposure to MAX level of phobic stimulus. causes temporary panic to client but the clinical will keep the client in the situation until temporary panic has stopped and client is calm. |
EVALUATION of treatment for phobia | - systematic glooding is more pleasurable exericne as they limit their anxiety slowly, however it is a slower process that requires more sessions. flooding can also be dangerous especially for older people - both SD and flooding are more effective in treating specific phobias than social phobias - research support found that 83% of ppts treated with VR exposure to spiders improved compared to none in the control group. this suggests SD are valid |
EVALUATION of CBT and REBT | - compared CBT, drug therapy or combined treatment. CBT was more effective in reducing suicidal events than drug treatment - some people with depression are too severely depressed to engage with the demands of CBT like completing homework, challenging irrational thoughts and attending sessions - CBT and REBT are less risky than drug treatments - REBT and CBT are too focused on cognitive features of depression |
EVALUATION of CBT and REBT | - compared CBT, drug therapy or combined treatment. CBT was more effective in reducing suicidal events than drug treatment - some people with depression are too severely depressed to engage with the demands of CBT like completing homework, challenging irrational thoughts and attending sessions - CBT and REBT are less risky than drug treatments - REBT and CBT are too focused on cognitive features of depression |
EVALUATION of CBT and REBT | - compared CBT, drug therapy or combined treatment. CBT was more effective in reducing suicidal events than drug treatment - some people with depression are too severely depressed to engage with the demands of CBT like completing homework, challenging irrational thoughts and attending sessions - CBT and REBT are less risky than drug treatments - REBT and CBT are too focused on cognitive features of depression |
EVALUATION of CBT and REBT | - compared CBT, drug therapy or combined treatment. CBT was more effective in reducing suicidal events than drug treatment - some people with depression are too severely depressed to engage with the demands of CBT like completing homework, challenging irrational thoughts and attending sessions - CBT and REBT are less risky than drug treatments - REBT and CBT are too focused on cognitive features of depression |
EVALUATION of CBT and REBT | - compared CBT, drug therapy or combined treatment. CBT was more effective in reducing suicidal events than drug treatment - some people with depression are too severely depressed to engage with the demands of CBT like completing homework, challenging irrational thoughts and attending sessions - CBT and REBT are less risky than drug treatments - REBT and CBT are too focused on cognitive features of depression |
EVALUATION of CBT and REBT | - compared CBT, drug therapy or combined treatment. CBT was more effective in reducing suicidal events than drug treatment - some people with depression are too severely depressed to engage with the demands of CBT like completing homework, challenging irrational thoughts and attending sessions - CBT and REBT are less risky than drug treatments - REBT and CBT are too focused on cognitive features of depression |
EVALUATION of CBT and REBT | - compared CBT, drug therapy or combined treatment. CBT was more effective in reducing suicidal events than drug treatment - some people with depression are too severely depressed to engage with the demands of CBT like completing homework, challenging irrational thoughts and attending sessions - CBT and REBT are less risky than drug treatments - REBT and CBT are too focused on cognitive features of depression |
Depression | A mental disorder characterized by low mood and low energy levels |
Behavioural characteristics | - low activity levels : lacking energy needed to perform everyday activities - a change in eating behaviour and eating behaviour - aggression : to others or self harm |
Emotional characteristics of depression | - lowered mood : persistent sadness - anger - lowered self esteem |
Cognitive characteristics of depression | - poor concentration : people with depression cannot give their full attention to tasks - negative schemas : automatic negative biases when thinking about themselves, the world and the future (Absolutist thinking : very black and white thinking) |
What approach is used to explain depression | Cognitive approach |
Beck's negative triad includes | - Negative view of self : self schema, feeling inadequate or worthy - Negative world of the world : thinking people are hostile or threatening - Negative view of the future : thinking things will always turn out badly |
Evaluation of beck's negative triad | - real world application : it can be applied for screening and treatment for depression. cognitive vulnerability can be used to treat CBT CBT has an effectiveness rate of 81% after 36 weeks of treatment are successful suggest that the underlying cognitive explanations that they are based on are valid. - cognitive theories depend on the assumption that the person with depression's thoughts are irrational, it could be that depression is a reasonable response to the challenges they face like poverty or racism |
Treatment for depression | Beck's CBT and Ellis's REBT change negative schemas and challenge irrational thoughts with cognitive restructuring. |
Beck's CBT | Sees patient as a scientist, the patient generates and tests hypotheses and tests hypotheses about the validity of their irrational thoughts; when they realise their thoughts dont match reality, this will change their schemas. therapy is also interactive as hte patient is asked to keep homework tasks. |
Ellis's ABC model | A : Activating event , it can be anything that hpapens to someone B : Belief, for people with depression have irrational beliefs C : Consequence, irrational beliefs lead to negative consequences |
Evaluation of Ellis ABC model | - real world application : ellis approach togcognative therapy is REBT. REBT can reduce irrational thoughts - reactive and endogenous depression : limitation of the model is that it only explains reactive depression and not endogenous depression. depression is not only caused by environment but also biological factors. |
EVALUATION of CBT and REBT | - compared CBT, drug therapy or combined treatment. CBT was more effective in reducing suicidal events than drug treatment - some people with depression are too severely depressed to engage with the demands of CBT like completing homework, challenging irrational thoughts and attending sessions - CBT and REBT are less risky than drug treatments - REBT and CBT are too focused on cognitive features of depression |
EVALUATION of drug therapies | - meta-analysis combining 17 studies comparing SSRIs to placebos. Found that SSRIs significantly reduce symptoms of OCD compared to placebo - CBT is more time consuming while drug therapy is less expensive and does not require multiple sessions -drug therapy can have a range of potential side effects like nausea and headache and insomnia |
EVALUATION of drug therapies | - meta-analysis combining 17 studies comparing SSRIs to placebos. Found that SSRIs significantly reduce symptoms of OCD compared to placebo - CBT is more time consuming while drug therapy is less expensive and does not require multiple sessions -drug therapy can have a range of potential side effects like nausea and headache and insomnia |
EVALUATION of drug therapies | - meta-analysis combining 17 studies comparing SSRIs to placebos. Found that SSRIs significantly reduce symptoms of OCD compared to placebo - CBT is more time consuming while drug therapy is less expensive and does not require multiple sessions -drug therapy can have a range of potential side effects like nausea and headache and insomnia |
EVALUATION of drug therapies | - meta-analysis combining 17 studies comparing SSRIs to placebos. Found that SSRIs significantly reduce symptoms of OCD compared to placebo - CBT is more time consuming while drug therapy is less expensive and does not require multiple sessions -drug therapy can have a range of potential side effects like nausea and headache and insomnia |
EVALUATION of drug therapies | - meta-analysis combining 17 studies comparing SSRIs to placebos. Found that SSRIs significantly reduce symptoms of OCD compared to placebo - CBT is more time consuming while drug therapy is less expensive and does not require multiple sessions -drug therapy can have a range of potential side effects like nausea and headache and insomnia |
What approach is used to explain OCD | Biological |
Genetic explanations for OCD | - OCD is inherited, genetic analysis has revealed around 230 seperate candidate genes were found more frequently for people with OCD. - the SERT gene affects reuptake in serotonin system - due to large # of candidate genes OCD is considered polygenic |
Neural explations for OCD | - low serotonin levels : low levels of serotonin is likely due to it being removed too quickly from the synapse before it has been transmitted. - decision making systems : some cases of OCD seems to be associated with impaired decision making. This is linked to abnormal functioning of the frontal lobe of the brain |
Evaluation of genetic explanations | - research support : there is a lot of evidence like twin studies, dizygotic twins have 31% concordance rate and monozygotic twins have 68% concordance rate. - environmental studies : limitation of genetic model is that it does not take into account the environmental risk factors. this suggests the genetic explanation is a partial explanation for OCD |
Evaluation of neural explanations | - research support : antidepressants that work to increase serotonin levels rare also effective in reducing OCD symptoms - serotonin and OCD's link may not be due to OCD, many of whom have OCD also have depression so the low serotonin levels could be a symptom of that - correlational not causational? |
Treating OCD | With drug therapy |
Drug therapies | Used to control symptoms of OCD using SSRIs |
SSRI | Selective Sertonin Rreuptake Inhibitors - slow down the reuptoke process of serotonin, this increases sertonin level in brain. and decreases anxiety |
SNRI | Increase levels of serotonin and noradrenaline |
EVALUATION of drug therapies | - meta-analysis combining 17 studies comparing SSRIs to placebos. Found that SSRIs significantly reduce symptoms of OCD compared to placebo - CBT is more time consuming while drug therapy is less expensive and does not require multiple sessions -drug therapy can have a range of potential side effects like nausea and headache and insomnia |