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In Inglés

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ask someone very good at smth

pick sb brain

Practique preguntas conocidas

Manténgase al día con sus preguntas pendientes

Completa 5 preguntas para habilitar la práctica


Examen: pon a prueba tus habilidades

Pon a prueba tus habilidades en el modo de examen

Aprenda nuevas preguntas

Modos dinámicos

InteligenteMezcla inteligente de todos los modos
PersonalizadoUtilice la configuración para ponderar los modos dinámicos

Modo manual [beta]

Seleccione sus propios tipos de preguntas y respuestas
Modos específicos

Aprende con fichas
Completa la oración
Escuchar y deletrearOrtografía: escribe lo que escuchas
elección múltipleModo de elección múltiple
Expresión oralResponde con voz
Expresión oral y comprensión auditivaPractica la pronunciación
EscrituraModo de solo escritura

Phrases - Marcador

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Ningún usuario ha jugado este curso todavía, sé el primero

Phrases - Detalles



71 preguntas
Think very hard
Rack ur brain
Account for
Describe sth that happened
Give an account of
Because of
On account of
Not certain
Hang in the balance
Can bang A va B
Balance between
The largest part of a group
The balance of sth
Complete by bring sth to end
Bring sth to a conclusion
Finished/ come to end
Come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion
Make a decision to fast
Jump/leap to conclusion
In conclusion
The end of sth
Conclusion of
Resonable outcome
Logical conclusion
A result that is certain happen
A foregone conclusion
Think carefully
Give consideration to
Care about people felling
Show consideration for
Being discussed
Under consideration
Someone to think about
For sb's consideration
Considering sb/sth
Out of consideration for
Nghi ngờ
Doubt that
Nghi ngờ 2
Have your doubts about
Dấy lên nghi ngờ
Raise doubts about
Be uncertain
In doubt
Confuse about sth
Doubt as to/about sth
Completely certain
Beyond any doubt
Emphasize your opinion
Without a doubt
Not definise
Open to doubt
Focus on
Main idea
The main/primary/major focus of/for
Clearly seen
In focus
Unclearly seen
Out of focus
Have /give sb the feeling that
Have/give the impression that
Complying a person acts
Do an impression of sb
Believe that
Under the impression that
Decide sth
Make up ur mind
Forget sth
Slip ur mind
Have a plan or intention
Have sth in mind
Think about particular thing
Have a one-track mind
Unable to decide
In two minds about sth
In ur thought
On your mind
Ready to receive sth
Broad-minded, open-minded
Clarify sth
Put into perspective
From a different view point
From another /a different perspective from sb's perspective
In sb's opinion
From the perspective of sb/sth
Have the correct size
In perspective