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pediatrics- CSNN

In Inglés

Creado por:
Teresa Pena

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Cholesterol is critical to the formation of the brain and nervous system, as well as the ‘second brain' also known as the digestive tract.

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45 preguntas
Cholesterol is critical to the formation of the brain and nervous system, as well as the ‘second brain' also known as the digestive tract.
Grass-fed butter is a rich source of vitamins A, D, K2 and E which are all needed for the development of body and brain.
Foods introduced too early can cause digestive troubles and increase the likelihood of allergies (particularly allergies to those foods introduced).
The diet of both mother and father before conception, and the diet of the mother during pregnancy, will determine to a very large extent the appearance, intelligence and physical health of their baby, and in addition will contribute to their child's emotional and mental well-being.
Liver was considered a sacred food in almost all traditional cultures, necessary for strength, stamina and for the production of beautiful, healthy babies.
Salt plays a critical role in a child's neurological development because sodium activates an enzyme needed for the production of glial cells in the brain-these are the cells that support logical and creative thinking.
There is no difference in how the body absorbs and uses the vitamins/minerals in synthetic prenatal vitamins and the vitamins/minerals obtained from nutrient-dense foods.
Diet affects not only fertility in women and proper development of the fetus, but also hormone levels and sperm quality in men.
Modern research has shown that nutrition affects the expression of the genes, and poor nutrition can so adversely affect genetic expression that "defects" can persist for several generations.
It is rare for a child who has had pertussis to contract asthma.
Mild vitamin A deficiency in the mother does not compromise the number of functional units called nephrons in the kidneys during embryonic and fetal development.
The WAPF recommends waiting one year after a miscarriage before attempting another pregnancy in order to focus on the most nutrient-dense diet possible.
Synthetic folic acid, the kind added to processed foods, easily crosses the placenta.
The addition of pure egg whites to scrambled eggs, smoothies and ice cream will help boost biotin status.
In terms of breast milk, the foremilk is higher in fat than the hind milk.
Folic acid helps to prevent neural tube defects and folate-rich foods include liver, egg yolks, legumes and greens.
WAPF puts fruits and vegetables first on their list for pregnant women to consume because they are more nutrient-dense than animal foods.
Artificial sweeteners, such as Equal, Nutrasweet and Splenda are appropriate alternatives to sugar especially during pregnancy.
The quality of a mother's diet has no impact on the quality of her breast milk.
Infants born six weeks prematurely have only ½ of the calcium and phosphorus laid down in the bones as infants carried to term.
Nearly half the fatty acids in human breast milk are saturated.
The period of tissue differentiation during the first two months is the period when the growing fetus is most susceptible to damage from drugs and chemicals, viral infections, x-rays, electro-magnetic radiation and poor nutrition.
The nutrients needed for production of the key birth hormones are the same nutrients supplied by the kind of nutrient-dense diet the WAPF recommends for women preparing to conceive.
At birth, the infant's blood level of vitamin D is closely correlated to the mother's blood level of vitamin D.
Liver-based formula has less Vitamin B12 than cow's milk formula.
A diet that includes raw whole milk, cod liver oil and organ meats provides the nutritional basis for strong white teeth in children.
Vaccine immunity lasts for a lifetime, while naturally occurring immunity does not.
Almost without exception, prenatal vitamins are vitamin pills with difficult to absorb synthetic vitamins, artificial colors and other additives.
The diet for producing a healthy baby should not include any fresh seafood.
Bone broths are the number one food for restoring a healthy gut system.
A. Gardening b. Yoga c. Skiing d. Swimming
Which one of the following exercises should be avoided during pregnancy?
A. The immune system b. The prevention of excess weight gain c. Both a and b d. None of the above
When the meat and dairy products in a mother's diet come largely from pasture-fed animals, her milk is likely to be rich in conjugated linoleic acid which is believed to have a positive effect on:
Egg whites provide the perfect protein and egg yolks contain a powerhouse of nutrients. Which nutrient is critical for the development of the brain?
A. Concentrated sweeteners and fruit juices b. Processed foods c. Pasteurized milk d. Raw cheese
In the child prone to ear infections, it is particularly important to avoid all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Bronchitis and pneumonia b. Ear infections, tonsillitis and sinusitis c. Allergies, asthma and eczema d. None of the above
The GAPS theory provides a cogent explanation for the underlying dynamics of the following:
A. Polyunsaturated fats b. Saturated fats c. Essential fatty acids d. None of the above
Most important for breast health is a diet rich in __________________ in order to keep the nipples and breast tissue strong, resilient and resistant to infections:
A. Leafy greens b. Fermented foods c. Grass-fed animal fats d. All of the above
K vitamins play an essential role in the development of proper facial proportions and in the fundamental development of the nervous system. Vitamin K1 is found in:
A. Leafy green vegetables b. Egg yolks and liver c. Onions, broccoli and kale d. Citrus fruit
Levels of choline in mother's milk are dependent on her dietary intake. Choline is essential for the development of the brain and nervous system. The best sources are:
A. Cow's milk formula b. Goat milk formula c. Liver-based formula d. Soy formula
According to the WAPF, which is their first choice formula if breastfeeding is not an option for the mother?
A. 6 months b. 12 months c. 16 months d. 28 months
How long does it take for the carbohydrate enzyme, amylase, to come on line in babies?
A. maple syrup b. honey c. blackstrap molasses d. concentrated fruit juice
Because infants do not produce strong enough stomach acid to deactivate potential spores, infants younger than 12 months should not be given the following: