french vocabulary
upper begginer/intermediate vocabulary. vocab from series, yt videos, books... french and english aren't my first language
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388 preguntas
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Cigarrette | Clope |
Cigarrette | Clope |
Mouth (animal) | Gueule |
A tank top | Un débardeur |
Washing-machine | La lave-linge |
Dishwasher | La lave-vaisselle |
Place | Endroit |
Poop | Crotte |
Corn | Maïs |
A trick | Une combine |
To serve as | Faire office de |
To get rid of | Se débarrasser |
A dish towel/a tea towel | Un torchon |
To throw the waste | Jeter les déchets |
Breakup | Rupture |
It wasn't a bad breakup | C'était pas une mauvaise rupture |
Complaint | Plainte |
Fear | Trouille |
Gratitude | La reconnaissance |
A swear word | Un gros mot |
A sink | Un évier |
A tip | Une astuce |
Slang | L'argot |
Anxiety | Angoisse |
Work, artwork | L'œuvre |
Nephew | Neveu |
Kid | Gamin |
Outfit | Costume |
Recipe | Recette |
Kittyn kitten | Chaton |
Apartment | L'appart |
Parents | Rempes |
Book | Bouquin |
Criminal, gangster | Un voyou |
A problem | Une galère |
Money | L'oseille |
Money | Le pognon |
Basement | Sous-sol |
Lies | Mensonges |
Trick | Le tour |
Hell | Enfer |
Company | Boîte |
Discount | Ristourne |
Owner | Proprio |
Traitor | Traître |
Trap | Piège |
Flavors | Goûts |
Money | La thune |
Sleeve | Manche |
Walk | Balade |
Hope | Espérer |
Band-aid | Le pansement |
Stain | Tache |
Kick | Coup de pied |
Thoughts | Pensées |
Used, second-hand | D'occasion |
Way | Moyen |
Empty | Vide |
Invitation | Faire-part |
Ring | L'anneau |
Half-assed plans, terrible plans | Plans foireux |
Failure | Ratée |
Task | Tâche |
Street | Tapin |
Date | Rancard |
Diet | Régime |
"a pain" | Reloue |
Suit | Costard |
Threats | Menaces |
Weakness | Faiblesse |
Recommendation | Recommandation |
Malaise, discomfort | Malaise |
Father, old man | Daron |
Lies | Mensonges |
Penis | Le pénis |
Vagina | Le vagin |
Interview | Entretien |
Poche |
River | Rivière |
Diapers | Couches |
Group | Bande |
The sale | La vente |
Car | Bagnole |
Chance | Hasard |
Slap | Claque |
The daily life | La vie quotidienne |
Delivery man | Livreur |
Meds | Médocs |
Pussy, cat | Chatte |
Fulfilled | Épanouie |
Slim | Slim |
Pregnant | Enceinte |
Smart, clever | Malin |
Awkard; embarrassing | Gênant |
Crazy | Dingue |
Strong | Costaud |
A woman doesn't need a men to be fulfilled and happy | Une femme n'a pas besoin d'un homme pour être épanouie et heureuse |
Exhausted | Crevée |
Hidden | Caché |
Pissed/angry | Vénère |