New Millenium 2.4
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71 preguntas
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Admitto, ere, admisi, admissum | To admit, let in |
Agmen, agminis, n. | -marching column |
Arx, arcis, f. | Citadel |
*coepi, coepisse, coeptum | To begin |
*défendō, ere, dēfendi, dēfēnsum | - to defend |
*ēdō, ere, ēdidī, ēditum | To produce, give forth |
*extra + accusative | Outside of |
Flö, äre, ävi, ätum | - to blow |
*furō, ere, furui | To rage, be insane |
Incendo, ere, incendi, incensum | Set fire, irritate |
*ingens, ingentis - | - huge |
*invado, ere, invasi, | - to burst in |
*ligneus, a, um- | · made of wood |
Meridiānus, a, um | -southern |
*parco, ere, peperci, - + dative | To spare |
*pons, pontis, m | - bridge |
Porta, ae, f. | - gate |
*primò (adv.) - | - at first |
Procédō, ere, processí, pròcessum- | To advance, proceed |
*quam (adv.) | How (in indirect questions and exclamations) |
Quantus, a, um | - how great, how much |
Resisto, ere, restiti, + dative | To resist |
Scandò, ere, | To climb over, mount |
"simul (adv.) | At the same time, simultaneously |
Territus, a, um | - terrified |
*tūtus, a, um - | - safe |
*vacuus, a, um + ablative | Empty of |
*valeō, ère, valui, | To be able; to be in good health |
Victor, victoris, m | - victor |
Violenter (adv.) - | Violently |
Altus, a, um | High, tall, deep |
Castellum, i, | Castle |
Dépello, ere, dépuli, děpulsum | To repel |
Ducenti, ae, a | Two hundred |
Exercitus, exercitus, m | . - army |
Impetus, impetūs, m. - | - attack |
Mâióra (n. pl.)- | - larger |
Mūnimenta, õrum, n. pl. | - fortifications |
Mystagōgus, i, m | Guide (especially to sanctuaries) |
Propugnāculum, i n | - battlement, bulwark |
Quamdiù (adv.) - | How long |
Quot (indeclinable) | - how many |
Viātor, viātōris, m | - tourist, traveler |
Peregrinâtio, peregrinationis, f. | -journeying |
Dētrimentum, i, n. | Damage, detriment |
Aliqui, aliqua, aliquod - | Some, any |
Trâició, ere, traiēcí tráiēctum | To transport, transfer |
Eodem (adv.) | To the same place |
Ūniversus, a, um | All, entire |
Merito (adv.) | -deservedly |
Praeter + accusative | - besides, beyond |
Grătia, ae,f | Grace, favor, winning character |
Adulescentulus, i, m | -Young man |
Ops, opis, f. | Aid, wealth |
Inopia, ae, f. | - scarcity, poverty |
Públicus, a, um | Public, belonging to the state |
Levó, àre‚àvī, ātum | To lighten, relieve |
Versúra, ae, f. - | Borrowing,application for a loan |
Publicē (adv.) | A behalf of the state |
Necesse (est) | It is necessary |
Condicio, onis, f. | -condition, terms (of a loan or agreement) |
Aequus, a, um | - fair |
Interpōnō, -ere, posui, positum | To intervene |
Úsūra, ae - | Interest paid for the use of money |
Patior, pati, passus sum | To allow |
Augeó, ère, auxi, auctum | To increase |
Officium, i | - duty, service |
Liberālitās, liberālitātis, f | -generosity |
Frumentum, i, n. | Grain |
Dōnō, äre, àví, àtum accusative ablative | To present someone with something |