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Neuromuscular System - Marcador
Neuromuscular System - Detalles
96 preguntas
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
Is released when action potential reaches axon terminal. Ach completes the connection. Opens channels between neuron and muscle, permitting exchange of Na+ and K+. | Acetylcholine (Ach) |
Part of antagonistic muscle pair. Contracts as partner relaxes. Action swapped to reverse the movement. | Agonistic muscle |
Part of antagonistic muscle pair. relaxes as partner contracts. Action swapped to reverse the movement. | Antagonistic muscle |
Part of the neuron. End of the axon. Information pass on via neurotransmitters | Axon terminals or synapses |
Muscle shortens | Concentric muscle movement |
Muscle lengthens. | Eccentric muscle movement |
Conduct impulses away from CNS (picking up food) | Efferent division |
Outer protective layer of muscle | Epimysium |
Part of sarcomere. Light. Remaining portion of thin filaments that do not project on to A band | I Band |
Contract under tension but no movement created (e.g. holding but not moving a weight). | Isometric muscle movement |
420,000 in the body | Motor Neuron |
Can shorten and thicken | Muscle Contractibility |
Return to original shape after contraction | Muscle elasticity |
Can stretch when fibres relax | Muscle extensibility |
A muscle cell containing myofibrils | Muscle Fibre |
Responds to stimuli from nerve impulse | Muscle Irritability |
Concentric, Eccentric and Isometric | Muscle Movement Types |
Found in the myosin heads. | Myosin ATPase |
Central, automatic and peripheral nervous system 1. Controls internal environment 2. Voluntary control of movement 3. Memory 4. Learning | Nervous system (4 functions) |
E.g. Tryptophan present in some foods such as eggs, meat, skimmed milk and bananas. | Neurotransmitter precursors |
Exposed axon (myelin sheath is not continuous) | Node of Ranvier |
Balances action of sympathic working to conserve energy. Sows down body processes. Effect= resting HR & RMR constriction of blood vessels. | Parasympathetic nervous system |
Protective layer surrounding fasciculus | Perimysium |
Multiple action potentials (‘dominoes’) | Propagation |
A sensory receptor which receives stimuli from within the body, especially one that responds to position and movement. | Proprioceptors |
Allows the action potential to continue down the axon (if another can take place immediately, it can’t travel). ‘All or none’ principle. | Refractory period |
-70 mV. Positive charge outside, negative charge inside. | Resting Potential |
(SR) Storage site for Ca2+ | Sarcoplasmic Reticulum |
PNS specialised cells. | Schwann Cell |
Slow twitch. Deep red, contracts slowly, can work for long periods. Found in large numbers in world class endurance runners. | Skeletal Muscle types Type 1 |
Type 1, Type 2, Type 2A and Type 2B | Skeletal Muscle types |
Fast twitch. Paler. Contract quickly and powerfully but tire easily | Skeletal Muscle types Type 2 |
Fast oxidative, are found in large numbers in middle distance runners | Skeletal Muscle types Type 2A |
Fast glycolytic, found in large numbers in the leg muscles of world-class sprinters. | Skeletal Muscle types Type 2B |
Voluntary control of muscle tissue | Somatic Control |
Prepares body for expending energy and dealing with emergency situations. Effect= increase HR and RMR, dilation of blood vessels. | Sympathetic nervous system |
End point of neuron | Synapse |
Space between neuron and myofibre | Synaptic Cleft |
Holds muscle to bone | Tendon |
Cardiac, skeletal and smooth | Types of muscle |
Somatic Nervous System | Skeletal Muscle is controlled by the.... |
ADP and phosphate ion | ATP decomposes to... |
Motor unit | Motor neuron plus all muscles cells it innervates is called the... |
Muscle fibre's plasma membrane | Sarcolemma |
Found in the sarcoplasm. Contain the muscle fibres contractile 'machinery': actin and myosin | Myofibrils |
At the myosin heads | Crossbridges |
Actin binding site, ATP binding site or ADP + Phosphate ion binding site | Binding sites on myosin head are...(3) |
Sarcoplasmic reticulum | Ca2+ stored in the.... |
Muscle fibre | Muscle cell also known as a |
Sarcomere | The fundamental, repeating, unit of the the myofibrils |
Na+ coming into the cell | Depolarisation |
K+ moving out of the cell | Repolarisation |