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Nclex Review

In Inglés

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Zeltcha Salut

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Normal range of FHR?


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75 preguntas
What are the manifestation of Metabolic Acidosis?
Bradycardia, weak pulse, hypotension, warm flushed dry skin, kussmaul respiratory
What are the Manifestation of Metabolic Alkalosis?
Dizziness, paresthesia and decrease respiration
What are the risks factor Respiratory Acidosis? or (abnormal causes)?
Respiratory Depression, airway obstruction and pneumothorax.
What are the Manifestation Respiratory Acidosis?
Dizziness, palpitations, convulsion and muscle twitching
What are the risks factor Respiratory Alkalosis? or (abnormal causes)?
Asthma, hypoxemia, pneumonia and hyperventiltion
What are the Manifestation Respiratory Alkalosis?
Tachypnea, Paresthesia, Anxiety, chest pain, and palpitation
Signs and symptoms of Hyperglycemia?
Polyuria (excessive urination) Polydipsia (excessive thirst) Polyphagia ( excessive appetite) nausea, vomiting and coma
Signs and symptoms of Hypoglycemia?
Clammy/cold skin, hunger, trembling, sweating, and irritability, increased HR/RR, decreases BP
In Diabetic Insipidus what are the two P's that cause Dehydration?
Polydipsia (excessive thirst) polyuria (excessive urination)
What are the Onset, peak and duration of Rapid lispro, Aspart insulin?
Onset: 15 mins Peak: 30 mins Duration: 3hrs ( Timed w/ meals)
What are the Onset, peak and duration of Short acting , Regular , Humulin?
Onset: 1hrs Peak: 2hrs Duration: 4hrs ( Timed w/ meals, only insulin type that can be given to through IV)
What are the Onset, peak and duration of Intermediate Acting, NPH?
Onset: 6hrs Peak: 8hrs Duration: 12hrs ( cloudy, not fast ad usually used for non-compliant pt)
What can 4 months old baby do?
Roll front to back and smiles
What can 6 months old baby do?
Roll back to front ,do the first sound, teeth erupt, and solid food introduced.
What can 24 months baby do?
Kick a ball, walk up and down stairs
What are the three OB Medications hat helps stop the contraction or labor?
Tocolytis ( Stop contraction ) Terbutaline ( stops labor and increased HR )
What does the Magnesium Sulfate do with OB?
Prevention and treatment of seizures in women with preeclampsia or eclampsia and fetal neuroprotection before anticipated early preterm.
When does the Survanta given to the baby?
After the baby is born (Intratracheal)
What is Baclofen and what are the SE?
Muscle Relaxant Fatigue, muscle weakness Do not Drink any alcohol and operate machine.
What is Standard/Contact precaution used for?
Herpes Hepatitis A Staph (MRSA) RSV Vancomycin- resistant enterococci (VRE) Rotavirus
What are the nursing considerations with Standard/contact precaution?
Private room, Gloves, gown, hand washing and disposable supplies.
What is Droplet precaution used for?
Influenza, pertussis, meningitis, mumps and pneumonia
What are the nursing considerations with Droplet precaution?
Private room, mask, gloves, gown and hand washing nonimmune pregnant person should not care for these client.
What is Airborne precaution used for?
Measles, TB, Chicken pox, and SARS
What are the nursing considerations with Airborne precaution?
Private room, Mask, Gloves, Handwashing, special filter resp. mask for pt's with TB negative air flow and disposable supplies.
What do you hear in Crackles?
Fluid in the airspace. Fluid in the airspace is consistent with pneumonia.
What do you hear in Wheezes?
Indicate a narrowing of the airways.
What do you hear in Stridor?
Is an emergency lung sound that is heard in airway constriction that can lead to complete closure.