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Hebrew Names of God

The Hebrew names of God including their meaning, verses where they first appear, and a brief description of their context.

In Inglés
Hebrew Names of God

Creado por:
Eric H

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God, exceedingly great Plural Genesis 1:1 Creator of the universe Strength, power, and justice

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Hebrew Names of God - Detalles



22 preguntas
God, exceedingly great Plural Genesis 1:1 Creator of the universe Strength, power, and justice
The proper name of the God of Israel (The LORD). Genesis 2:4 (In the day that the LORD God made the earth and heavens) The source of all being and from who we all derive our name
I am who I am or I will be whom I will be Exodus 3:14 (The name given to Moses when he asked for a name)
My Lord Genesis 15:2 Abraham, "Sovereign Lord, what can you give me since I am childless."
The Name
The Strong One A universal name of God
El Elohe Yisrael
The mighty God of Israel Genesis 33:20 Name given to the altar that Jacob erected in front of Shechem. He later bought this land.
El Elyon
God most high Genesis 14:18 First used about Melchizedek being a priest of God Most High and then used twice in Melchizedek’s blessing of Abram before Abram gave him a tithe. The top or uppermost, exalted, the apex of the hierarchy
El Olam
The God who is eternal Genesis 21:33 After the treaty with Abimelech in Beersheba Abraham plants a tamarisk tree and calls on the name of the Lord. Forever, Universe, Everlasting
El Roi
The God who sees me Genesis 16:14 Hagar, who’s name means “flight” or “fear” gives the Lord this name after he saw her in the desert when she was fleeing from Sarah. She then names the well “Beer Lachay Roi”, “well of the living One who sees me”
El Shaddai
The almighty God, all sufficient, the God who is more than enough Genesis 17:1 God says to Abram, “I am el Shaddai; walk before me, and be thou perfect.” “Perfect” here can mean complete, integrated, whole, without blemish like a lamb without blemish. Could mean God of the wilderness or God of the mountain A mysterious name
Jehovah Ezer
The LORD our help Psalm 33 and 124 Where does my help come from? It comes from the Lord
The LORD will provide Genesis 22 First uttered by Abraham when the LORD provided the ram The true name’s meaning refers to Jesus, “The Provision”. Connected with the verb to see as in “Jehovah will see to it” A symbolic name for Mt Moriah where both the Abraham and Jesus sacrifices of the first born were made
The LORD who sanctifies you or makes you holy Exodus 31:12-14 First spoken to Moses about observing the Lord’s sabbaths which is a sign between God and us that he sets us apart as special. We sacrifice something that was of common use so he can use it for heaven’s purposes.
The LORD is my banner Exodus 17:15 After the Amalekites were defeated with Moses holding his hands up with the staff of God, Moses built an altar and called it “Jehovah-Nissi”. “Because hands were lifted up against the throne of the Lord, the Lord will be at war against the Amalekites from generation to generation.” Associated with the bronze serpent on a pole and Jesus on the cross (John 3).
The LORD who heals or restores or repairs Exodus 15:26 The people grumbled at Marah (bitter see Ruth 1:20) against Moses, “what are we to drink”. The Lord showed him a piece of wood and he threw it into the water and it became fit to drink. The Lord then made a deal or covenant, If you listen, do what is right, pay attention, and keep all his decrees he will not bring the diseases he brought on the Egyptians for I am “Jehovah-Rapha”.
The LORD is my Shepherd Psalm 23 Many references to shepherds in the scription but this Psalm is the only one using Rohi, MY shepherd.
Jehovah-Sabaoth or Jehovah-Tzevaot
The LORD of hosts or multitudes, almighty 1 Samuel 1:3-11 Often a military connotation First spoken by Elkanah and Hannah in deep anguish when she prayed for a son Samuel and promised to give him to the Lord.
The LORD is there Ezekiel 48:35 “The name of the new city will be Jehovah Shammah, the Lord is there.” It's the name of Jerusalem
The LORD our peace Judges 6 Gideon is met by the angel of the LORD regarding saving the people from the Midianites. Once he realizes he has been talking with the angel of the LORD he thinks he’s going to die but the LORD says to him “Peace, do not be afraid, you are not going to die.” So Gideon made an altar and called it Jehovah-Shalom, the LORD our peace. Universal flourishing, wholeness and delight. The way things ought to be. Shalom Shalom (perfect wholeness)
Jehovah Tsidkenu
The LORD our righteousness Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah 33:15-16 Rightness, just, accurate, or to be straight Used 2 times by Jeremiah in speaking of the righteous branch that will be raised up for David
God is with us, or “with us is God” Isaiah 7:14 The Lord instructs Ahaz to ask for a sign but he refuses to, so the Lord gives him the sign of a virgin who conceives and gives birth to a son named Immanuel Only 3 references in the scriptures, two from Isaiah (Isaiah 8:8) and the other from Matthew 1:23