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Maths Apps ATAR - bivariate data

In Inglés

Creado por:
Chelsey Louise

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what are the 2 types of variables in this unit

explanatory variable (ev). independant response variable (rv). dependant

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17 preguntas
What are the 2 types of variables in this unit
Explanatory variable (ev). independant response variable (rv). dependant
What is association and how is it displayed
A link between two variables two way frequency table
Segmented bar charts use and composition
When there are multiple categories on the x axis. persentage on y axis (0-100%) , catagories on x multiple segments to =100%
How to identify association scatterplot and normal
Scatterplot- no pattern =no association pattern =association table: use percentages, 5%+ difference = association
There is an association on a scatter point, describe 4 factors of the patterns. these are?
Direction - positive negative strength - strong, moderate, weak outliers - if present form - linear, non linear (curve)
What is the correlation coefficient and it values
The strength of a linear relationship represented by 'r' closer to -/+ 1, the more linear and straight the data lies 0 = no association. exactly +/-1 =perfect linear association
Strengths classifications of linear associations (numbers intervals indicating strong weak strength)
Remember 0.75, 0.5, 0.25 0.75+=strong ,0.5 +=moderate, 0.25+=weak, any less= no association
What 3 assumptions are being made when using correlation coefficient
Variables are numerical association is linear no outliers in data
What is the coefficient of determination
The accuracy at which we can predict one variable using the other represented by r^2 (always between 0-1) because if r=1 and the graph is perfectly linear we can predict variables with complete accuracy. ie. given hight we can predict weight to r^2 %
When interpreting the coefficient of determination we use the phrase:
R^2% of the variation in the response variable can be explained by the explanatory variable - put on note sheet for part b
Not a question
Correlation tells you about the strength of the association, but nothing about the source or cause of the association. an example is the association between use of sunscreen and presents of heat stroke, heatstroke and sunscreen do not cause each other. therefore correlation does not imply causality
Linear regression
Placing a straight line on a data set
Least squares regression
A line where the sum of the regressions ( difference between predicted value and actual value) is the least possible. equation is y=ax+b
Predictions within the data range
Predictions outside the data range
Residual data= actual data (y)- predicted data (ÿ). (can be +,-,0) predicted value can be found by substituting a known x value into the least squares regression formula.
Residual graph layout
Residual on y axis, -,0,+ x axis pertruding from 0 lack of a clear pattern confirms a linear association.