Latin via Ovid Chapters 5 through 7
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Latin via Ovid Chapters 5 through 7 - Marcador
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Latin via Ovid Chapters 5 through 7 - Detalles
95 preguntas
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Arānea, ae, f. | Spider |
Luppiter | Jupiter, Jove |
Rapina, -ае, f. | Carrying off, robbery |
Muto, -are, -āvi, -atum | Change |
Neco, -are, ävi, ätum | To kill |
Pendeo, ere, pependi, pensum | To hang |
Ā (ab, before a vowel) + abl, | From, away from; by |
Aeterno | Eternally, forever |
Deinde | Then |
Denique | And then, finally |
Itaque | And so, and thus, therefore |
Maximē | Very, exceedingly: yes indeed, especially |
Minimē | Least; not in the least, not at all |
Neque | And not |
Optimē | Very good, excellent |
Primo (primum) | First, at first, first in a series |
Ära, -ae, f | Altar |
Causa, -ae, f. | Cause, reason |
Diāna, -ae, f. | Diana (goddess of moon, hunt) |
Donum, i, n. | Gift |
Fama, -ae, f. | Reputation, report, fame |
Familia, -ae, f. | Family |
Flamma, -ae, f. | Flame |
Fortūna, -ae, f. | Fortune |
Graecia, -ae, f. | Greece |
Lätöna, -ae, f. | Latona (mother of Apollo and Diana) |
Oppidum, -i, n. | Town |
Phoebus, -i, m. | Phoebus Apollo |
Potentia, -ae, f. | Power |
Rēgia, -ae, f. | Palace |
Superbia, -ae, f. | Pride |
Templum, -i, n. | Temple |
Via, -ae, f | Street, road |
Circumspecto, -ire, -āvi, -atum | Look about, cast a glance |
Moneo, ere, -ui, -itum | Warn, advise |
Oro, -are, - vi, -atum | Beg for, ask for, pray to, implore |
Praesto, -ăre, -stiti, stitum + dat. | Stand before, surpass |
Beatus, -a, -um | Happy, blessed |
Clārus, -a, -um | Famous, illustrious, bright, shining, clear |
Dignus, -a, -um + abl. or gen. | Worthy, worth |
Multus, -a, -um | Much, many (pl.) |
Sånctus, -a, -um | Sacred |
Suus, -a, -um | His own, her own, its own, their own |
Ūnus, -a, -um | One, only |
Cür | Why |
Ecce | Behold |
Ibi | There |
Solum | Only |
Aëra, m | Air |
Campus, -i, m. | Field |
Equus, i, m. | Horse |
Fūnera, n. pl. | Funerals |
Lacrima, -a f. | Tear |
Måter, f. | Mother |
Mora, -ae, f. | Delay |
Poena, -ae, f. | Punishment |
Querella, -ae, f. | Complaint |
Ruina, -ae, f. | Ruin, disaster |
Sagitta, -ae, f. | Arrow |
Schola, -ae, f. | School, class |
Statua, -ae, | Statue |
Verbum, -i, n. | Word |
Congelo, -āre, -āvi, -ātum | Freeze, stiffen, congeal |
Convoco, -āre, -āvi, -ātum | Call together, summon |
Exerceo, -ēre, -i, -itum | Train, exercise |
Iuvõ, -āre, iūvi, iūtum | Help, aid |
Lacrimo, -āre, -āvi, -atum | Cry, weep |
Relinquo, -ere, reliqui, relictum | Leave, leave behind |
Rogo, -āre, -āvi, -ātum | Ask, beg for |
Plānus, -a, -um | Equal, level, even, flat |
Profānus, -a, -um | Wicked, evil |
Ūltimus, -a, -um | Last |
Ad + acc. | To, toward, near |
Celeriter | Quickly |
Hodie | Today |
Magis | More |
Per + acc. | Through |
Plus | More |
Prope + acc. | Near, close to |
Quot, indecl. | How many, how much |
Quam | Than |
Satis | Enough |
Tum | Then |
Ubi | When, while, where |