Latin Summer Semester
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495 preguntas
🇬🇧 | 🇻🇦 |
Hemisphere (half-ball) | "hēmisphaerium, ī, n. |
Related to the mesenteric | Mesenteriālis, e |
Lying behind the peritoneum | Retrōperitonēālis, e |
Under the lower jaw | Submandibulāris, e" |
"adhesive, adherent | "adhaesīvus, a, um |
Inhaling | Aspirātōrius, a, um |
Infectious inflammation of the lungs and bronchioles | Bronchopneumonia, ae, f |
Disease of the heart muscle | "cardiomyopathia, ae, f. |
Severe paroxysmal pain contingent smooth muscle contractions | Cōlica, ae, f." |
Softening of the brain | "encephalomalacia, ae, f. |
Blood in the urine | Haematūria, ae, f. |
Hemorrhoids | Haemorrhoīdēs, um, f. |
Uterine bleeding not during menstruation | Mētrorrhagia, ae, f. |
Shortsightness | Myōpia, ae, f. |
Pain in nerves | Neuralgia, ae, f. |
Feeble-mindedness | Oligophrēnia, ae, f. |
Reduced amount of sperms in the ejaculate | Oligospermia, ae, f. |
Breaching of the skin perceptioin, pins and needle itching | Paraesthēsia, ae, f." |
Pus in the uterus | "pȳomētra, ae, f. |
Inflammation of the salivary gland | Sialoadenītis, ītidis, f. |
Stones in the salivary gland | Sialolithiāsis, is, f. |
Degenerative disease of the intervertebral joints | Spondylarthrōsis is, f." |
Urinary metabolites in blood" | "ūraemia, ae, f." |
Rounded | Ānulāris, e |
Ring finger | Digitus ānulāris |
Two-lobed | Bilobātus, a, um |
Two-parted | Bipartītus, a, um |
Bronchial | Bronchiālis, e |
Vascular | Choroīdeus, a, um |
Accompanying, incorporating | Comitāns, antis |
Complete | Complētus, a, um |
Cranial | Crāniālis, e |
Carrying away | Dēferēns, entis |
Double | Duplex, icis |
Femoral | Femorālis, e |
Not complete | Incomplētus, a, um |
Laryngeal | Laryngeus, a, um |
Moving, floating | Migrāns, antis |
Floating kidney | Rēn migrāns |
Pertaining to the sense of smell | Olfactōrius, a, um |
Hip-bone | Os īlium |
Ischiadic bone | Os ischiī |
Pubis | Os pūbis |
Parietal, related to the wall (adj) | Parietālis, e |
Related, coherent | Pertinēns, entis |
Beginning of the systole | Prōtosystola, ae, f. |
Quadrate, four-sided | Quadrātus, a, um |
Structure | Strūctūra, ae, f. |
With three cusps | Tricuspidātus, a, um |
With three lobes | Trilobātus, a, um |
Trochlear | Trochleāris, e |
With one horn | Ūnicornis, e |
Monotonous | Ūniformis, e |
Wandering | Vagus, a, um |
Relating to vestibule and trochlear | Vestibulocochleāris, e |
Sharply | Acūtē |
Ill | Aegrōtus, a, um |
Affected | Affectus, a, um |
Year | Annus, ī, m. |
Asthma | Āsthma, tis, n. |
A form of hardening of arteries | Athērosclērōsis, is, f. |
General hardening of arteries | Athērosclērōsis ūniversālis |
Well | Bene |
Determined for both eyes | Bīnoculāris, e |
Twice | Bis |
Quickly | Citō |
Continuous | Continuus, a, um |
Making straight/correct/eatable (e.g. drugs) | Corrigēns, entis |
Healed, cured | Cūrātus, a, um |
Deforming | Dēformāns, antis |
Malformation | Dēformātiō, ōnis, f. |
Disinfecting, destroying harmful germs | Dēsīnficiēns, entis |
The occurrence of a disease linked to other diseases | Deuteropathia, ae, f." |
Uneasily | Difficiliter = difficulter |
Staphylococcus shift into pairs | Diplococcus, ī, m. |
Excellently | Ēminenter |
Emptying | Ēvacuātiō, ōnis, f. |
Getting worse | Exacerbāns, antis |
Ulcerated | Exulcerātus, a, um |
Easily | Facile |
Easy | Facilis, e |
False | Falsus, a, um |
Gratis, free (of charge) | Grātīs |
Drop | Gutta, ae, f. |
Simple conical teeth | Haplodontia, ae, f. |
Week | Hebdomas, adis, f. |
Threatening | Imminēns, entis |
Ingrowing | Increscēns, entis |
Intermittent, discontinuous | Intermittēns, entis |
Hidden | Latēns, entis |
Laxative | Laxāns, antis |
Outflow of cerebrospinal fluid through the nose or ear due to injuries of the skull base | Liquorrhoea, ae, f. |
According to the pharmaceutic rules | Magistrāliter |
Poorly, badly | Male |
Drug, medicament | Medicāmentum, ī, n. |
Less | Minus |
Total paralysis of one limb | Monoplēgia, ae, f. |
Many, much | Multum |
Neurosurgical | Neurochīrurgicus, a, um |
Name | Nōmen, inis, n. |