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Kapitel 14 popu

In Inglés


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A parasitoid

attacks the host indirectly by laying its eggs in or on the prey's body.

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18 preguntas
A parasitoid
Attacks the host indirectly by laying its eggs in or on the prey's body.
De tre typer af functional response?
Type 1: The number of prey affected increases linearly. Type 2: The number of prey affected increases at a decreasing rate toward a maximum value (type 2 response is a function of allocation of feeding time by predators between the activities of searching for prey and handling prey). Type 3: The number of prey consumed increases sigmodially as the density of prey increases.
Qualitative inhibitors (other secondary compunds by the plant)?
Defenses against herbivory that are present in small to minute quantities. These compounds are toxic.
According to the Red Queen hypothesis,
Prey must continually evolve means of avoiding capture to avoid extinction. (Byttedyr skal hele tiden udvikle sig for at undgå fangst for at undgå udryddelse).
This figure shows that
Lynx populations numerically respond to hare populations. Numerical response is the increase of predators with an increased food supply. (Numerically respond also involves a change in the growth rate of a predator population through changes in fecundity).
The net outcome of predator-prey interactions in the basic Lotka-Volterra models is that
Predator and prey populations oscillate, with each predictably increasing and decreasing in response to the other. (Rovdyr og byttepopulationer svinger, hvor hver forudsigeligt øges og falder som reaktion på den anden).
The trade-off between conflicting demands faced by a predator is described by the ________ foraging theory. (Afvejningen mellem modstridende krav, som et rovdyr står over for, er beskrevet af ________ foderingsteorien.
Optimal foraging theory. (Foderingsteori er en gren af ​​adfærdsøkologi, der studerer dyrenes foderadfærd som respons på miljøet, hvor dyret lever).
Autotrofe, heterotrofi og detrivori/carnivor?
Autrofe: Opbygger organisk materiale udfra uorganisk materiale. Heterotrofi: Udnytter organisk materiale. Detrivori: Lever af dødt organisk materiale Carnivor: Lever af kød