Kapitel 13 popu
In Inglés
In Inglés
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Kapitel 13 popu - Marcador
Kapitel 13 popu - Detalles
14 preguntas
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
The Lotka-Volterra equations predict the outcomes of ________ competition under different conditions. | Interspecific. Viser 4 mulige udkom: Art 1 udkonkurrerer art 2. Art 2 udkonkurrer art 1. (Begge disse er competitive exclusion) og de to andre viser coexistence (den ene er ustabil ligevægt, hvor den art, som der var mest af i starten normalt overgår den anden. Den sidste mulighed er hvor der sker stabil ligevægt og de to arter eksisterer sammen på et lavere populationsniveau end hvis de levede selv). Lotka-Volterra-ligningerne er en simpel model for, hvordan populationer af rovdyr og byttedyr påvirker af hinanden. Ligningerne er to koblede differentialligninger. |
Chemical interaction competition in plants is called ________. | Allelopathy (Allelopati er et biologisk fænomen, hvorved en organisme producerer en eller flere biokemikalier, der påvirker spiring, vækst, overlevelse og reproduktion af andre organismer.) |
According to the competitive ________ principle, two "complete competitors" cannot coexist. | Exclusion |
According to the Lotka-Volterra equations, which of the following is not an expected outcome of competitive interactions between two species? | The populations of both species increase to infinity |
In Tilman's experiments with diatoms (kiselalger), what was the outcome when the two species competed for silica (et stof) (section 13.4)? | One outcompeted the other to extinction |
In Tilman's experiments with diatoms (kiselalger), what was the outcome when the two species competed for silica (et stof) (section 13.4)? | One outcompeted the other to extinction |
According to the figure, when these two species are combined in a culture, what will the outcome be? | P. aurelia wins |
Species A prefers a more dry habitat but grows in a wet habitat. Why might this be? | Species B outcompetes A in the dry habitat |
Coexisting species of wild cats differ in the size of their canine teeth, which corresponds to differences in their preferred species of prey. This outcome is most likely the result of ... | Resource partitioning (ressource opdeling) (Ressourceopdeling er opdeling af begrænsede ressourcer efter art for at undgå konkurrence i en økologisk niche). |
Coyote populations are lower where wolf populations are increasing because | Wolves directly compete with coyotes. |