ITPassport シラバスより
In Inglés
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ITPassport シラバスより - Marcador
ITPassport シラバスより - Detalles
154 preguntas
🇬🇧 | 🇬🇧 |
CSR | Corporate social responsibility 企業が社会に与える影響について責任を持ち、社会の持続的発展のために貢献すべきとする考え方。また、そのような考え方に基づいて実践される諸活動。 |
CDP | Career development program |
OJT | On-the-Job-Training |
OFF-JT | Off-the-Job-Training |
PDCA | Plan, do ,check, and, act |
BCP | Business continuity plan |
BCM | Business continuity management 企業などの経営管理の一分野で、企業や事業の存続を脅かす事態の発生に備え、事業の継続計画を策定したり、計画を的確に実施できるよう定期的な計画の改定や教育・訓練などを行うこと。 |
MBO | Management by objectives 個々のグル―プや担当者に自らの業務目標を設定、申告させ、その進捗や実行を各人が自ら主体的に管理する目標管理制度のこと。 |
HRM | Human resource management |
CEO | Chief executive officer |
CIO | Chief information officer |
OR | Operations reserch |
IE | Industrial engineering |
PERT | Program evaluation and review technique |
JAN | Japanese article number |
ISO | International organization for standardization |
IEC | International electrotechnical commission |
IEEE | Institute of electrical electronics engineers |
W3C | World wide web consortium |
JIS | Japanese industrial standards |
ISO9000 | Quality management system |
ISO14000 | Environmental management system |
ISO/IEC27000 | Information management system |
SWOT | Strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats |
PPM | Product portfolio management |
M&A | Mergers and acquisitions |
OEM | Original equipment manufacturer |
MBO | Management buy-out |
TOB | Take-over bid |
UX | User experience |
4C | Customer value, cost, convenience, communication |
RFM | Recency frequency monetary analysis |
BSC | Balanced score card |
CSF | Critical success factors |
KGI | Key goal indicator |
KPI | Key performance indicator |
CRM | Customer relationship management |
SCM | Supply chain management |
TQC | Total quality control |
TQM | Total quality management |
ERP | Enterprise resource planning |
TOC | Theory of constraints |
MOT | Management of technology |
GPS | Global positioning system |
POS | Point of sales |
GIS | Geographic information system |
ETC | Electronic toll collection |
IC card | Smart card |
RAID | Redundant arrays of inexpensive disks |
SFA | Sales force automation |
CDN | Content delivery network |
AI | Artificial intelligence |
DTP | Desktop publishing |
CTI | Conputer telephony integration |
CAD | Computer aided design |
CAM | Computer aided manufacturing |
CIM | Computer-integrated manufacturing |
JIT | Just in time |
FMS | Flexible manufacturing system |
MRP | Material requirements planning |
ERP | Enterprise resource planning |
TOC | Theory of constraints |
MOT | Management of technology |
GPS | Global positioning system |
POS | Point of sales |
GIS | Geographic information system |
ETC | Electronic toll collection |
IC card | Smart card |
RAID | Redundant arrays of inexpensive disks |
SFA | Sales force automation |
CDN | Content delivery network |
AI | Artificial intelligence |
DTP | Desktop publishing |
CTI | Conputer telephony integration |
CAD | Computer aided design |
CAM | Computer aided manufacturing |
CIM | Computer-integrated manufacturing |
JIT | Just in time |
FMS | Flexible manufacturing system |
MRP | Material requirements planning |
EC | Electronic commerce or e-commerce |
B2B | Business to business |
B2C | Business to consumer |
C2C | Consumer to cunsumer |
O2O | Online to offline |
EDI | Electronic data interchange |
SEO | Search engine optimazation |
ATM | Automatic teller machine |
EA | Enterprise architecture |
DFD | Data flow diagram |
E-R diagram | Entity relationship diagram |
BPR | Business process reengineering |
BPM | Business process management |
BYOD | Bring your own device |
IoT | Internet of things |
M2M | Machine to machine |
SNS | Social networking service |
SI | System integration |
SaaS | Software as a service |
PaaS | Platform as a service |