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In Inglés

Creado por:
Steve Hale

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person or group with responsibilities, authorities and relationships tp achieve objectives

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InteligenteMezcla inteligente de todos los modos
PersonalizadoUtilice la configuración para ponderar los modos dinámicos

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Escuchar y deletrearOrtografía: escribe lo que escuchas
elección múltipleModo de elección múltiple
Expresión oralResponde con voz
Expresión oral y comprensión auditivaPractica la pronunciación
EscrituraModo de solo escritura

ITIL4 - Marcador

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ITIL4 - Detalles



29 preguntas
Person or group with responsibilities, authorities and relationships tp achieve objectives
Service offering
Description of one or more service to address needs of target consumer group
Service Value Chain
Operatonal model that outlines the activities required to respond to demand and facilitate value creation through products and services
Service management
Set of organizational capabilities for enabling value in form of services
Focus on Value
All activities conducted by the organization should link back to value for itself, it's customers and other stakeholders
Guiding principle
Recommendation that guides an organization in all circumstances
Configuration of an organization's resources designed to offer value for a customer
A cause or potential cause of one or more incidents
Means of enabling value co-creation by facilitating outcomes that customers want to achieve, without the customer having to manage specific costs and risks
What is thinking and working holistically
Working in integrated way to deliver value
Version of a service or other CI, or collection of CIs, that is made available for use
Configuration Item
Any component that needs to be managed in order to deliver an IT service
Service value stream
Specific combination of activities and practices designed for a particular scenario
Possibilities to add value for stakeholders or improve the organization
Sets of resources for performing work or accomplishing an objective
What is CIR
Database or structured document where ideas are tracked and managed
Any financially valuable component that can contribute to the delivery of IT product or service
Addition, modification or removal of anything that could have a direct or indirect effect on IT service
Change schedule
Used to help plan changes, assist in communication, avoid conflicts and assign resources
Set of interrelated or interactive activities that transform inputs into outputs
Desire or need of internal or external consumers for products and services
Framework that facilitates integration/coordination of various org. components/activities and provides strong/unified/value focused direction for the organization
Engage activity
Provides understanding of stakeholder needs & promoting transparency/continual engagement/good relations
Design/transition activity
Ensures products/services continually meet stakeholders expectations for quality, cost & time to market
Ensure that service components that meet specifications are available when/where needed
System by which organization is directed and controlled
Understanding vision, current status and improvement direction for all 4 dimensions & all products and services
Service Desk
To capture demand of incident resolution and service requests
Service Request Management
Support agreed quality of a service by handling all agreed user-initiated service requests in effective and user friendly manner