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Internal Surfaces of the Body

In Inglés

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Lapras Fan

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What is a mucous membrane and some examples?

Lines tubes that open to exterior and examples are GI tract, Urinary tract, Reproductive tract and Respiratory tract

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19 preguntas
What is a mucous membrane and some examples?
Lines tubes that open to exterior and examples are GI tract, Urinary tract, Reproductive tract and Respiratory tract
What are the 3 layers of the mucous membrane
1. Epithelium lining 2. Adjacent layer of the lamina propria 3. Third layer present in the GI tract and is made up of smooth muscle cells
What are serous membranes?
2 part membrane and are thin and line certain closed cavities
What are the 3 structures that the serous membrane lines?
Pleural sac ( lung ) Pericardial sac ( heart ) Peritoneum ( many abdominal organs )
What is the role of the serous fluid
Lubrication so that organs involved in digestion can move friction-free
What is a Mesentery
Double layer of peritonuem that supplies blood, nerves and lymph. It also a site of fat storage
What are the 4 layers of a gut tube
1. Mucosa layer 2. Sub muscosa 3. Muscularis externa 4. Outer serosa
What is the serosa composed of and function ( what epithelium ) in the illeum
Simple squamous epithelium and secretes watery lubricant which provides blood vessels and nerves
What are the layers of the oesphagus
Mucosa layer --> stratified squamous non-keratinised epithelium, lamina propria and some smooth muscles and a lot of immune cells Submucosa --> connective tissue containing mucus secreting glands Muscularis externa --> inner are circular and outer are longtidunal muscles
What are the 4 layers of the stomach
Cardia Fundus Body Pyolrus
What are the functions of each layer of the stomach
Cardia - Mucus production Fundus - Produce gastric juice Body - Produce gastric juice Pyolrus- Mucus production
How can you differentiate between jejunum and illeum
Jejunum contains more abundant plicae Jejunum also has absnece of Brunners and Peyer patches
What is a Peyer patch
Large patches of lymphoid follicles found in illeum that provides immune surviellence
What is the difference between small intestine and large intestine
LI contains no plicae and no villi Abosrbs water and electrolytes Musclaris externa changes from longtidunal into 3 bands called the taenia coli
What are the 2 types of pneumocytes present in the alveoli
Type I ( simple squamous ) permits gas exchange Type II ( cuboidal ) produces surfactants that lower surface tension
What is the role of the adventia
Connective tissue that holds organs in place