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Learn Chino From Indonesio
Learn Chino From Indonesio
Practique preguntas conocidas
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Completa 5 preguntas para habilitar la práctica
Examen: pon a prueba tus habilidades
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Modos dinámicos
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PersonalizadoUtilice la configuración para ponderar los modos dinámicos
Modo manual [beta]
Seleccione sus propios tipos de preguntas y respuestas
Modos específicos
Aprende con fichas
Escuchar y deletrearOrtografía: escribe lo que escuchas
elección múltipleModo de elección múltiple
Expresión oralPractica tu habilidad de expresión oral
Expresión oral y comprensión auditivaPractica la pronunciación
EscrituraModo de solo escritura
HSK 4B - Marcador
HSK 4B - Detalles
312 preguntas
🇮🇩 | 🇨🇳 |
流利 | Liúlì fluent |
厉害 | Lìhài awsome |
语法 | Yǔfǎ grammar |
准确 | Zhǔnquè accurate, precise |
词语 | Cíyǔ word, expression |
连 | Lián even |
阅读 | Yuèdú to read |
来得及 | Láidéjí there's still time |
复杂 | Fùzá complicated |
只好 | Zhǐhǎo cannot but, to be forced to |
填空 | Tiánkòng to fill in a blank |
猜 | Cāi to guess |
否则 | Fǒuzé or otherwise |
客厅 | Kètīng living room |
无论 | Wúlùn regardles of, no matter |
杂志 | Zázhì magazine |
著名 | Zhùmíng famous |
页 | Yè page |
增加 | Zēngjiā to increase, to add |
文章 | Wénzhāng essay, article |
之 | Zhī connecting the modifire and the word |
内容 | Nèiróng context |
然而 | Rán'ér but, however |
看法 | Kànfǎ viewpoint, opinion |
相同 | Xiāngtóng same |
顺序 | Shùnxù order, sequence |
表示 | Biǎoshì to express, to indicate |
养成 | Yǎng chéng to develop, to form |
同事 | Tóngshì at the same time, meanwhile |
精彩 | Jīngcǎi wonderful, splendid |
规定 | Guīdìng rule, regulation |
死 | Sǐ rigid, inflexible |
可惜 | Kěxí painful, regretful |
全部 | Quánbù all, whole |
也许 | Yěxǔ maybe, perhaps |
商亮 | Shāng liàng to discus, to consult |
并且 | Bìngqiě and |
盐 | Yán salt |
勺子 | Sháozi spoon |
保护 | Bǎohù protect |
作用 | Zuòyòng function |
无法 | Wúfǎ not to have, to be without |
节 | Jié section, length |
详细 | Xiángxì detailed |
解释 | Jiěshì to explain |
对于 | Duìyú for, to, with regard to |
叶子 | Yèzi leaf |
教育 | Jiàoyù to educate |
使用 | Shǐyòng to use |
语言 | Yǔyán language |
直接 | Zhíjiē direct, straight |
引起 | Yǐnqǐ to cause, to lead to |
误会 | Wùhuì misunderstanding |
友好 | Yǒuhǎo friendly |
事半功倍 | Shìbàngōngbèi to achieve twice the result with half the effort |
节约 | Jiéyuē to economize |
力气 | Lìqì physical strength |
相反 | Xiāngfǎn on the contrary |
任务 | Rènwù task mission |
意见 | Yìjiàn opinion, suggestion |
仔细 | Zǐxì careful, meticulous |
达到 | Dádào to reach, to attain |
京剧 | Jīngjù opera beijing |
演员 | Yǎnyuán aktor/artis |
观众 | Guānzhòng penonton |
厚 | Hòu tebal |
演出 | Yǎnchū tampil, mempertunjukkan |
大概 | Dàgài secara umumnya, kira kira |
来自 | Láizì datang dari |
遍 | Biàn (menyatakan proses dari awal sampai akhir) kali |
偶尔 | Ǒu'ěr sekali-kali, kadang-kadang |
吃惊 | Chījīng terkejut, kaget |
基础 | Jīchǔ dasar, landasan |
表演 | Biǎoyǎn memainkan, mempertunjukkan |
正常 | Zhèng cháng normal |
申请 | Shēnqǐng mengajukan permohonan |
有趣 | Yǒuqù menarik, menyenangkan |
开心 | Kāixīn senang, gembira |
继续 | Jìxù melanjutkan, meneruskan |
由 | Yóu oleh |
讨论 | Tǎolùn mendiskusikan, membicarakan |
大约 | Dàyuē kurang lebih |
餐厅 | Cāntīng restoran |
纸袋 | Zhǐdài kantong kertas |
袋子 | Dàizi tas, kantong |
互联网 | Hu liánwǎng internet |
进行 | Jìnxíng melancarkan, melakukan |
错误 | Cuòwù salah, keliru |
随着 | Suízhe sejalan dengan |
十分 | Shífēn amat sangat |
普遍 | Pǔbiàn umum, universal |
部分 | Bùfèn bagian |
稍微 | Shāowéi agak, sedikit |
苦 | Kǔ pahit |
省 | Shěng provinsi |
出差 | Chūchāi berdinas kerja |
毛巾 | Máojīn handuk |
牙膏 | Yágāo odol, pasta gigi |
重 | Zhòng berat |
行 | Xíng baik, boleh |